mdsmall -> RE: Mobilization Events - a crib sheet (6/24/2021 10:51:32 PM)
Strategic Command World War One 1914 Call to Arms Campaign Mobilization Events United Kingdom Every turn from the start of the war 1 - 3% to Entente General DOWs by Central Powers 5 - 10% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Belgium 20 - 50% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Denmark 20 - 50% to Entente Central Powers DOW on the Netherlands 20 - 50% to Entente Entente DOW on Belgium 25 - 35% to CP Britain protests German naval movements, per turn 3 - 5% to Entente 1 CP unit within 6 hexes of 148,77 (Port of London) 1 CP unit within 10 hexes of 147,70 (ocean hex east of Hull) 1 CP unit within 10 hexes of 141,64 (coastal hex east of Edinburgh 1 CP unit within 10 hexes of 141,56 (Scapa Flow) 1 CP unit within 20 hexes of 133,47 (southern island hex of the Faroes) 1 CP unit within 75 hexes of 80,87 (mid-Atlantic) United States General DOWs by Central Powers 5 - 10% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Belgium 1 - 8% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Denmark 8 - 15% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Greece 3 -7% to Entente Central Powers DOW on the Netherlands 12 - 18% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Norway 8 - 15% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Portugal 8 - 15% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Spain 8 - 15% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Sweden 8 - 15% to CP Central Powers DOW on Switzerland 10 - 25% to CP General DOWs by Entente 5 - 10% to CP Entente DOW on Belgium 5 - 15% to CP Entente DOW on Denmark 8 - 15% to CP Entente DOW on Greece 3 - 7% to CP Entente DOW on the Netherlands 8 - 15% to CP Entente DOW on Norway 8 - 15% to CP Entente DOW on Portugal 8 - 15% to CP Entente DOW on Spain 8 - 15% to CP Entente DOW on Sweden 8 - 15% to CP Entente DOW on Switzerland 10 - 25% to CP Every turn beginning June 1, 1917, 50% chance 1 - 2% to Entente Sinking of the Lusitania, 50% chance 5 - 8% to Entente (1 CP unit on NM hexes west of Britain on 1915/05/07) Protests Unrestricted Naval Warfare, 75% chance per turn 1 - 4% to Entente (1 CP unit on NM hexes west of Britain) Protests Sinking of Merchantmen, 4% chance per turn 1 - 2% to Entente (1 CP unit within 50 hexes of 80,87) Protests Sinking of Merchantmen, 6% chance per turn 2 - 4% to Entente (2 CP units within 50 hexes of 80,87) Protests Enforcement of Northern Blockade, 4% chance per turn 1 - 2% to CP Protests Enforcement of Distant Blockade, 4% chance per turn 1 - 2% to CP Central Powers land in the UK 10 - 15% to Entente (1 CP unit within 2 hexes of London, Manchester, Edinburgh) If Germany sends Zimmerman telegram, 75% chance 100% to Entente If Germany sends Zimmerman telegram, 10% chance 30 - 50% to Entente If Germany sends Zimmerman telegram, 15% chance 20 - 30% to CP If Russia withdraws, after January 1, 1916 every turn, 50% chance 1- 2% to Entente If Russia surrenders, after January 1, 1916 every turn, 50% chance 1- 2% to Entente If UK funds Preparedness Movement after Russia withdraws 3 - 5% to Entente If UK funds Preparedness Movement after Russia surrenders 3 - 5% to Entente If UK funds Preparedness Movement, every subsequent turn 1 - 2% to Entente Italy Central Powers DOW on Albania 10 - 20% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Switzerland 10 - 25% to CP General surrenders to the Entente 3 - 5% to Entente Entente DOW on Albania 10 - 25% to CP Entente DOW on Switzerland 10 - 25% to CP Central Powers DOW on Libya 100% to Entente Entente captures Sarajevo 3 - 5% to Entente Entente captures Ragusa 3 - 5% to Entente Entente captures Lemberg 3 - 5% to Entente Entente captures Przemysl 3 - 5% to Entente Two Entente units within 3 hexes of Vienna 3 - 5% to Entente Two Entente units within 3 hexes of Budapest 3 - 5% to Entente Italian nationalists call for war, on December 1, 1914 10% to Entente If Austria-Hungary refuses to cede Trento-Trieste, on February 1, 1915 10 - 25% to Entente If UK signs secret pact, on April 15, 1915 10 - 15% to Entente If Austria-Hungary cedes Trento-Trieste, on January 1, 1915 90% to CP Russia post Brest-Litovsk Central Powers DOW on Latvia 5 - 12% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Lithuania 5 - 12% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Estonia 5 - 12% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Ukraine 8 - 15% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Transcaucasia 8 - 15% to Entente Ottoman Empire General surrenders to the Central Powers 3 - 5% to CP France surrenders 8 - 15% to CP Central Powers DOW on Albania 10 - 25% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Greece 25 - 40% to Entente Entente DOW on Albania 10 - 25% to CP Entente DOW on Greece 25 -40% to CP Entente DOW on Arabia 100% to CP Entente DOW on Mesopotamia 100% to CP Entente DOW on Palestine 100% to CP Entente DOW on Syria 100% to CP If U.K. seizes Sultan Osman I dreadnought 10 - 15% to CP If U.K. sends Sultan Osman I dreadnought 25 - 55% to Entente If Germany sends the Goeben, on August 18, 1914 20 - 30% to CP If Germany sends military aid, on August 17,1914 8 - 10% to CP If Germany sends military aid, on September 1,1914 7 - 10% to CP If Germany sends military aid, on November 1,1914 15 - 25% to CP If Germany sends military aid, on February 1,1915 15 - 25% to CP If Germany sends military aid, on March 1,1915 15 - 25% to CP If Germany sends military aid, on April 1,1915 15 - 25% to CP Albania Central Powers DOW on Greece 20 - 25% to Entente Entente DOW on Greece 20 - 35% to CP Civil War breaks out, September 10, 1914, 75% chance 95% to Entente Bulgaria General surrenders to the Central Powers 3 - 5% to CP France surrenders 8 - 15% to CP Entente DOW on Albania 10 - 20% to CP Entente DOW on Greece 20 - 40% to CP Central Powers DOW on Albania 10 - 20% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Greece 20 - 25% to Entente Central Powers capture Belgrade 10 - 20% to CP Central Powers capture Nish 8 - 15 % to CP Central Powers 1 unit within 2 hexes of Uskub 8 - 15% to CP Central Powers 3 units 3 hexes east of Warsaw 8 - 15% to CP Central Powers occupy Belgrade, 35% chance per turn 1-4% to CP Denmark Central Powers DOW on the Netherlands 8- 15% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Norway 15 - 35% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Sweden 15 - 35% to Entente Entente DOW on the Netherlands 8 - 15% to CP Entente DOW on Norway 15 - 35% to CP Entente DOW on Sweden 15 - 35% to CP Central Powers infringe neutrality, per turn 3 - 6% to Entente (1 unit on any 3 loop hexes to the Baltic) Entente units infringe neutrality, per turn 3 - 6% to CP (1 unit on any 3 loop hexes to the Baltic) Greece Central Powers DOW on Albania 10 - 25% to Entente Entente DOW on Albania 10 - 25% to CP Entente captures Gallipoli 30 - 45% to Entente If Entente funds Venizelos, on September 1, 1915 100% to Entente If Entente does not fund Venizelos, on September 1, 1915, 25% chance 100% to Entente If Entente does not fund Venizelos, on September 1, 1915, 75% chance 100% to CP Netherlands Central Powers DOW on Belgium 1 - 5% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Denmark 10- 25% to Entente Entente DOW on Belgium 5 - 25% to CP Entente DOW on Denmark 10 - 25% to CP Norway Central Powers DOW on Denmark 10- 25% to Entente Central Powers DOW on the Netherlands 8- 15% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Sweden 15 - 35% to Entente Entente DOW on Denmark 10 - 25% to CP Entente DOW on the Netherlands 8 - 15% to CP Entente DOW on Sweden 15 - 35% to CP Protests Entente Attacks on their Merchantmen, 10% chance per turn 2 - 5% to CP, (1 unit on or next to convoy route to Germany) Portugal Central Powers DOW on Spain 15 - 35% to Entente Entente DOW on Spain 15 - 35% to CP Romania General surrenders to the Entente 3 - 5% to Entente Entente captures Sarajevo 3 - 5% to Entente Entente captures Ragusa 3 - 5% to Entente Entente captures Lemberg 10 - 15% to Entente Entente captures Przemysl 10 - 15% to Entente Entente captures Krakow 10 - 15% to Entente Entente captures Gallipoli 30 - 45% to Entente Entente has 2 units within 3 hexes of Vienna 10 - 15% to Entente Entente has 2 units within 3 hexes of Budapest 8 - 12% to Entente Entente has 1 unit within 1 hex of Klausenberg 10 - 15% to Entente (first time after January 1, 1916) Entente has 3 units within 2 hexes of Belgrade 1 - 3% to Entente (every turn after January 1, 1916) Entente has 1 unit within 1 hex of Klausenberg or Debrezin 2 -5% to Entente (50% chance per turn from start of the war) If Austria-Hungary cedes Trento-Trieste, on January 1, 1915 30 - 40% to Entente Russia surrenders or withdraws from the war 30 - 40% to CP Spain Central Powers DOW on Portugal 15 - 35% to Entente Entente DOW on Portugal 15 - 35% to CP If Germany sends agents to Morocco, on October 1, 1916, 75% chance 3 - 5% to Entente If Germany sends agents to Morocco, on February 1, 1916, 75% chance 3 - 5% to Entente Sweden Central Powers DOW on Denmark 10- 25% to Entente Central Powers DOW on the Netherlands 8- 15% to Entente Central Powers DOW on Norway 15 - 35% to Entente Entente DOW on Denmark 10 -25% to CP Entente DOW on the Netherlands 8 - 15% to CP Entente DOW on Norway 15 - 35% to CP Protests Entente Attacks on their Merchantmen, 10% chance per turn 2 - 5% to CP (1 unit on or next to convoy route to Germany) Switzerland If Germany sends secret mission to General Wille, on July 20, 1915 15 - 30% to CP ----------------------- NEW MINORS FOLLOWING BREAK-UP OF RUSSIA Estonia First turn after independence 60% to CP Finland First turn after independence 5% to Entente If Germany sends General von Der Goltz 45% to CP If Germany does not send General von Der Goltz 35% to Entente Latvia First turn after independence 60% to CP Lithuania First turn after independence 60% to CP Ukraine First turn after independence 60% to CP Germany has less than 6 units within 8 hexes of Warsaw 10% to Entente NEW MINORS FOLLOWING BREAK-UP OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Czechoslovakia First turn after independence 33 - 50% to Entente Hungary First turn after independence 33 - 50% to Entente Poland First turn after independence 33 - 50% to Entente Yugoslavia First turn after independence 33 - 50% to Entente