loki100 -> RE: 22 Jun 41 Disabled FoW for Axis (7/5/2021 11:31:01 AM)
ORIGINAL: SparkleyTits I think Cohen is suggesting that because all players will learn the placement of every single Russian unit on T1, through mass repetition, we hasten that process of perfecting/practicing/playing Axis T1 with a no FOW option? I don't think he is coming at the suggestion from any historical angle, if I am understanding correctly, merely a pragmatic one? but that misses a key change in WiTE2, yes you can learn the locations but the practical strength of a given Soviet formation varies from start to start and that uncertainty is lost with FoW off. It matters as there are a few that in one set up can be shifted by a regimental attack and the next time demand a full division. In effect having to over-commit on CPP loss is an important part of the game design?