El_Condoro -> RE: Localization Issues - Civil War Scenerio (7/10/2021 1:16:10 PM)
In \Documents\My Games\Strategic Command - War in Europe create a folder 'Mods' and a subfolder under that (e.g. Civil War) From the data folder (Steam\steamapps\common\Startegic Command etc\Bitmaps, copy (DO NOT CUT) the \Major_## folders that correspond to the Major Country IDs in your custom campaign (Editor: Campaign, Set Major Country IDs) - the Set Display Source folder (right) will indicate which folder/s you want. Check out the other graphic files that are here to get familiar with them - you'll want to change the resource sprites, unit flags etc at some point, too. Edit the unit_sprites_nato.png and unit_sprites_nato_zoom.png (I use GIMP but any png editor will do) - ensure the sprites remain in the same position and just the NATO graphic is changed, at least until you have tested it a bit) In the Editor: Mods, turn on 'Civil War' I'm sure to have left out something but that should get you started. Basically, create a whole mod (the Mod folder above) where you edit the files that you want to change and turn the mod on and off as needed. Sorry for the caps but DO NOT REMOVE ANY GRAPHIC FILES FROM THE DATA FOLDER - copy them to your mods folder.