arvcran2 -> RE: How to fix 1 tile zone? (7/11/2021 6:15:31 PM)
Actually I have an idea how this may have happened: Before conquering the city I surrounded it and push all enemy forces away within the 2 tile danger zone; then I took the city.
newageofpower -> RE: How to fix 1 tile zone? (7/11/2021 6:24:08 PM)
Hrm, I thought you could rezone any tiles directly adjacent to a city hex without the two tile rule.
arvcran2 -> RE: How to fix 1 tile zone? (7/11/2021 6:30:51 PM)
Here is what it looked like the turn before I conquered the city.
Hrm, I thought you could rezone any tiles directly adjacent to a city hex without the two tile rule.