Jazon -> Tech for Russians and CP beginning 1915 (2/16/2022 4:17:02 PM)
Hi! As you know I've restarted this project. So far I got the map redesigned, Also I made units for Russia, north of Vistula, they are complete so far. It took time to check it a bit, since this scenario will use DIVISIONS mostly, and in most sources and Maps Russian units are mentioned by the cores, not divisions. I have overcome that by digging in Russian internet, actually they have few projects about Russian Imperial Army, which helped me to solve this. If anyone is interested I can provide links. But, to the point: 1.How do you think guys - What tech stats should Russians, Germans and Austria-Hungary have? Scenario starts on February 7th, 1915.Scenario will not allow sides to develop tech, but I am not sure how to distribute it, in order to reflect historically the advancement level of fighting sides. Scenario will not have any Naval battles, since as far as i know there were no clashes in southern Baltic, only some laying mines operations. Also we can skip tanks, because it is 1915th. The same with mobility. 2. As for air tech ... I know very little, suggestions would help me, how to set the following: Fighter Development; Heavy bombers, Long range aircraft, Ground Attack weapon, Airship Development and Aerial Warfare. I only know Germans had Zeppelins and Russians had heavy bomber “Ilya Murmanets” but in scarce numbers. What about the other? 3.Main problem... Infantry Weapons and Artillery Weapons...ideas? I Germans Level 1, AH and Russia 0? Or Germany 2, AH plus Russia Level 1? 4. Doctrines: Command and Control .... Germany 2 AH + Russia 1? Trench Warfare ? I got no idea how to set it, all sides level 1? Infantry warfare the same? Germans one level ahead? 5.Gas/Shell Production I know main problem in Russian Imperial Army was ammo supply, so they would have 0 level, Germans 2 and AH 1? (Since they do had some fine industry in Czech; Skoda was producing guns these days, not cars 6.Similar with Industry? Synthetic Oil...do I need to set that?? Logistics... germany 2, AH Russia 1? Or Russia 0? Production and Industrial Tech? PLZ help :D 7.Spying and Intelligence - Germans ahead level 2? Others 1 or 0? And another issue. Time - how should I set it...daily simultaneously or alternate? Maybe alternate, because otherwise it would be too slow, and how about winter? One turn for two, three days? What do you think? I am very curious what other players think about above mentioned issues. Let’s make a brain storm and sort it out, so soon we can all enjoy Eastern Front in divisional scale! Jazon PS I was thinking about changing the scenario name...something would depict the scale of it. For those who don’t know I remind map is from Baltic Sea in the North to Carpathian mountains in the south, from Thorn (Toruń) in the West to Smolensk and Kiev in the East. PS 2 also victory conditions are worth considering, what I n your opinion should be an objective for fighting sides in 1915?