EUBanana -> Solitaire game starting late '42 (7/14/2021 7:19:29 PM)
I thought I'd write an AAR of this one to see if people, if they are interested in it at all, have any comments which I can use for one of the sides. Also as its quite late in the war compared to the other AARs I've seen so maybe it'll make it unique from that point of view. The Story So Far... It was a Global War scenario and broadly progressed as the real war did. Poland swiftly fell, and Germany conquered France in summer 1940, despite France being propped up with a lot of Commonwealth resources. They even did it without using any o-chits. Italy meanwhile attacked the Commonwealth early in 1940, and drove to the Suez canal. They got some decent combat roll, but they were stalemated at the Nile, just about. Meanwhile Germany conquered Norway and Yugoslavia, aligned Hungary and Romania. Russia conquered Persia, and China/Japan beat on each other fairly ineffectually. Japan was really trying to build up an air force though so the ground commitment was fairly low. 1941 saw Italy attack Greece and make some progress before being stopped, just about again, by the Commonwealth in the Pindus Mountains just before the Greek army collapsed entirely (Greece was down to one INF). After that, stalemate again, and both sides were happy to more or less leave it there. The Commonwealth spent some time taking out the isolated units in Egypt, but it took a while. Germany attacked Russia early 1941, but it didn't really go all that well. The Russian defensive lines were quite far back to avoid surprise attack, around Vitebsk and Kiev, and the Germans got pretty badly bogged down despite trying to use an o-chit to break the deadlock in the south. The Russians played very defensively though, no attacks at all, and had been building iNF pretty much from the start, so maybe not too surprising. Summer 1941 saw the Commonwealth really focusing on Italy though also taking some major losses in the Atlantic from German uboats. Maybe Germany built too many uboats given the failures on the eastern front. CW income was down to about 15 ish from 24 for most of 1941 though and they were building 3-5 convoys a turn just to tread water. This didn't stop them really pressuring Italy quite hard though in the Med, pretty much wiping out the Italian fleet, which is mostly damaged now. Germany helped with a Bf110 fighter which helped cover Sparviero's in the 3 box while the Commonwealth took Sicily and Sardinia with some fairly light losses but mostly due to luck, one notable loss was the Renown which was sunk by a Sparviero. Japan/China continued to bounce off each other through 1941. 1942, in summer Germany made more progress than they had in 1941 and really started stretching the Russian lines quite thin. Over the winter they managed to focus more on ground forces which made a difference, also some stunning bad rolls for the Russians in '42 meant that their airforce was pretty much annihilated despite having more fighters than the Germans had at one point. the Germans on the southern front captured Stalino and broke through to the north, while on the northern front Vitebsk fell and Yeremenko withdrew in the direction of Leningrad being chased by von Bock, while Guderian kept pressing east and captured Smolensk, getting over the Dnieper into the bargain. Japan deemed its preparations ready and declared war on the Commonwealth in summer 42. the Dutch East Indies, Rabaul and the Solomons were all captured pretty much straight away but the CW had reinforced Malaya with a white print Indian MECH and a South African INF and it still hasn't been captured. An attempt by the Japanese to land in Burma with two MAR resulted in losing both due to a bad roll, so that was a risk that really cramped their style, but intent on still expanding they then landed on Australia and took Brisbane and ROckhampton though there's clearly nto enough troops as it stands to conquer Australia. The US declared war on Germany/Italy in 42 as well and started shovelling air units over mostly, lots of strategic bombers to the UK and a P38 and some tactical bombers to the Med. In the Pacific the Americans are moving to fairly forward bases in readiness but there's no war with Japan yet.