Disbanded Units Don't Return (Full Version)

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Hoppy2105 -> Disbanded Units Don't Return (7/17/2021 9:24:13 PM)

I've seen this bug on the Steam forums but figured I'd put it here as well.

When a unit is disbanded, there is no guarantee it will come back. By that I mean, after an operation, replacements are brought in, and the unit may show up in the "soldier" screen but will not be made available to select for battle.

I purposefully got some units destroyed/disbanded to test this out:

On the "First Blood" mission, I got my 3rd Squad Rifle team destroyed and let my 1st Squad BAR team lose all but 1 member and they broke. Both units were disbanded. I played the 2nd day of the "First Blood" mission and saw that the two units had returned (The rifle team with 6 new people and the BAR team with the one survivor and 5 new guys).

I was able to see these replenished units in the "soldier" screen but wasn't able to select them as part of the main force. I thought that maybe the issue was that I was still in the middle of an operation, and they'd come back when I started Sbiba...but they did not. I still see them in the soldier screen, but can't select them for my main force.

I haven't verified this yet, but I'm not sure this happens EVERY time a unit is disbanded. I swear I've seen some disbanded units come back.

Regardless, this needs to be fixed. As these units slowly become unavailable due to the bug, I'll eventually only have like 50 guys left to start a mission that requires a 150 person company.

Thanks in advance!

SteveMcClaire -> RE: Disbanded Units Don't Return (7/18/2021 2:31:21 AM)

Hi Hoppy2105,

Units disbanded due to casualties should return once there is enough men to fill them out again.

Are you playing on the latest update of TBF?

Is this a saved game from an older version of the game?

Is it single player or multi-player?

Can you provide the saved game that demonstrates the problem (Dropbox, Google drive, etc?)


Hoppy2105 -> RE: Disbanded Units Don't Return (7/19/2021 6:13:17 AM)

Hi Steve,

To your first sentence; I believe the game is doing this...as the units will show up (completely refilled) in the "soldier" screen. However, they aren't selectable as a unit on the pre-battle screen. Which is why it feels like it's a glitch. It only happens to a unit that has been disbanded. (I've verified this by playing through several missions and purposefully getting a few units destroyed/disbanded)

I am playing the latest version I believe. (1.1.8) However, let me know if that's not the case.

It isn't a saved game from an older version.

Single player.

If it happens again, I'll find the saved game and get it to you. (Though, I don't know where to find the saved game...probably somewhere in the program files?) I'm currently being very careful with my troops and making sure none of them get destroyed/disbanded so it has yet to happen in the most recent campaign I'm doing.


SteveMcClaire -> RE: Disbanded Units Don't Return (7/20/2021 12:45:12 AM)

Thanks for the information, and for any saved game you can provide. I will look into the issue too.

Saved games are in your Windows documents folder under My Games\CloseCombatTheBloodyFirst\Saves\

CorporalHicks -> RE: Disbanded Units Don't Return (1/10/2022 2:51:42 AM)

Hi Steve,
I am having the same problem with all the same conditions as Hoppy. Has a fix been discovered for this yet? Let me know what you need from me.

SteveMcClaire -> RE: Disbanded Units Don't Return (1/10/2022 10:11:24 PM)

Hi CorporalHicks,

I have not been able to reproduce this problem, so if you can send me your saved game file that would be helpful. Thanks!

CorporalHicks -> RE: Disbanded Units Don't Return (1/10/2022 10:56:03 PM)

Thank you for taking the time to look into this. I am not sure how to send it to you. When I click "email" there isn't an option to attach a file. Sorry, I'm not exactly a computer expert but I did locate the file on my hard drive with your directions.

SteveMcClaire -> RE: Disbanded Units Don't Return (1/11/2022 1:51:59 PM)

Hi CorporalHicks - you can attach it to a post by clicking 'Click here to upload!' next to 'File' beneath the text entry area when you are composing a forum post. If you're not able to do this (I believe there are restrictions based on number of forum posts to prevent ad spammers and such) send me a PM and we'll work out another method. Thanks!

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