What's up with Artillery? (Full Version)

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Schuki92 -> What's up with Artillery? (7/19/2021 2:16:51 PM)

I've been playing SS mostly singleplayer until recently and I never bothered to even move my artillery (from the Africa Corp) to the front line because I absolutely couldn't figure out how to bring it to any use whatsoever. Now I'm reading in the forum that artillery seems to be top priority for some players and I wonder if anybody could explain that to me? I get anti-aircraft, but anti-tank and heavy artillery? How do you even bring them in front of the enemy? Thanks in advance!

Schuki92 -> RE: What's up with Artillery? (7/19/2021 2:26:39 PM)

A second unrelated question: Do you know any videos/playlists by really good SS players, preferably PBEM? Most guys on youtube don't seem to be any better than me, which means they're not good...

EarlyDoors -> RE: What's up with Artillery? (7/19/2021 3:54:50 PM)

So contrary to my initial expectations this isn't just a game about reducing the strength points of your opponents units

Particularly if you are the Allies whenever you look at the cross-hair odds before combat its going to offer you zero

The way to win in combat is to reduce the morale and readiness of the opposing units

Check out the table on page 167 of the user guide, it is your friend

That tells you that artillery will reduce morale by 10-20% per hit and more after upgrade

So move it up to just behind the front line and then soften up your enemy before assault with other units

Schuki92 -> RE: What's up with Artillery? (7/19/2021 4:41:42 PM)

Thanks, that's great advice! I usually play Axies and I wonder how to use Artillery on the eastern front and if it's a good idea to use it there in the first place? Do you relocate them by train (the word for that just slipped my mind) to have them near the front?

EarlyDoors -> RE: What's up with Artillery? (7/19/2021 5:27:10 PM)

I’ve never played as Axis but yes you’ll probably have to operate them to the front line

Elessar2 -> RE: What's up with Artillery? (7/20/2021 12:41:14 AM)

If on the attack deselect the auto option, otherwise enemy attacks on their turn will drain most of their shots (default = 1). You need as many shots as you can to reduce entrenchment.

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