Steely Glint -> RE: This needs work (8/1/2021 4:35:34 AM)
ORIGINAL: Monkie Feeding the trolls perhaps but I don't feel the game has a rushed feeling at all. 1) There is a scenario editor, as a matter of fact it's easy to use and you can quickly make a fun enjoyable scenario in a matter of minutes. I guess by "real" you mean it has to have everything you demand it to have? 2) Where was it said you can make your own units and edit their abilities? Might be nice but remember developers need income as well to improve and add through DLC's etc. 3) Again it might be nice to have but the maps included are quite well done and limited to Normandy at this time. There is talk about map editing in the future. 4) Yes no difficulty selector, that is a great thing about the game, you have to learn to get better, no hand holding. Many of the scenarios are very tough, but you can always load them in the editor and make it as easy for you to win as you would like, nobody is stopping you. 5) Again you can load the scenario into the editor and increase or decrease the length to whatever you desire. Do you always go around lying (“ everything you demand it to have”, etc.) and crapping on other people’s constructive suggestions on how to improve games? I’ve been a wargamer for fifty years now. I know what it takes for games like this to succeed and what makes them fail. Try not to be such a berk in the future.