Randomizer -> RE: targets selection for each nuclear MIRV (each warhead). Possible? (7/27/2021 5:03:04 PM)
It might help if you post a save. Part of the problem is that ballistic missile warheads are on fixed ballistic trajectories once ejected from the warhead bus. Because the bus itself has only very limited scope for manoeuvre, the reentry vehicles must all land in a relatively small footprint. If only a single target is present within the footprint, then all of the reentry vehicles will be aimed at it. It should be remembered that each warhead had been allotted its own target within the MIRV footprint, which was itself dependent on a large number of factors driven largely by the mathematics of orbital geometry. While ten 100-KT warheads would do far more total damage than one 1-MT weapon, the actual total damage area from the former would not cover a significantly greater area but the destruction within that zone would be far greater and more uniform with the multiple, smaller warhead detonations vice the single, large weapon. When I build targets for nuclear weapons' scenarios, they are almost inevitably composed of groups consisting of city and town markers and assorted infrastructure all within usually <15-km and have had satisfactory result from MIRVed ICBMs targeted by strike missions on these type of targets as the individual reentry vehicles select their own targets within the target group. Last time I tried this was several updates ago so there may have been subsequent changes to the MIRV model but remember that the MIRV footprint would almost invariably be relatively small. They were never intended to target separate cities (for example), rather they would be targeted at discrete and specific DGZ* within a single city. -C *DGZ = Designated Ground Zero, nukespeak for a target once a nuclear weapon has been allocated to it.