RE: Here We Go Again (Full Version)

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RangerJoe -> RE: Here We Go Again (11/15/2021 12:55:42 AM)

You can adjust your sub patrols to move into and out of the air ASW areas. That way, the enemy loses sight of them for awhile.

BBfanboy -> RE: Here We Go Again (11/15/2021 5:14:18 AM)

You probably thought of this, but just in case I will mention to Recon and Nav Search Buna and beyond to find and bomb any rescue ships he sends to save the garrison. I think you have DBs and Attack Bombers at PM?

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (11/15/2021 8:03:26 PM)

Re: Post #61

"...Recon and Nav Search Buna and beyond to find and bomb any rescue ships he sends to save the garrison. I think you have DBs and Attack Bombers at PM?"

Indeed I do. Marine SBDs with Wildcat dedicated escorts, A20s set to same range as SBDs, even some Beaufighters and B-25C (alt= 10,000) with B17s for search & recon. I've already bagged a few ships. But I have to escort them heavily. Scenario 2 balances the game by imposing shallow attack plane pools. My attack plane pools are shallow enough to sautee garlic and onions.

Gotta be patient. I just received my second LST. In four moths I will have an orgy of converting AP to APA and AK to AKE to make fast amphibious attack possible. Til then my beachhead shipping just has to bleed.

BBfanboy -> RE: Here We Go Again (11/16/2021 3:18:23 PM)

So as not to confuse new players, I will mention that you probably meant conversion of AKs to AKAs, rather than AKEs! [:)]

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (11/24/2021 4:47:27 PM)

Correct-a-mundo BBFanBoy. I meant conversion to AKAs. I have plenty of AKEs. On Dec 8, 1941 I started conversion of xAK to AKE. Mostly a good way to hide them from marauding IJN forces. Now my combatant forces have ammo staying power. AK to AKA conversion begins in three months. Most of my convertible ships are already stash in suitable ports.

Sitrep Jan 1, 1943.
The war enters its third year. FWIW, I've accomplished the minimum goal - I have stopped further IJ expansion. I look to get aggressive around May 1 when I've got some APAs and AKAs and LSTs to ease my witherto slow amphib landings. I currently have three (count 'em 3) LSTs stashed on the US Left Coast. From past experience I know the things are too useful and fragile to commit in small numbers.

My Noumea reaction force (5 CV 3 modern BB and other surface ships is sailing to Guadalcanal to give them a dusting. With 4 big, slow BB (Colorados plus Warspite) and carrier strike planes I should slow down expansion of that base for a while. After that the Warspite will head toward Cape Town and scheduled withdrawal and the carrier force will go to Pearl for a massive infusion of flak and some air wing upgrades. Should be back by April to support solid moves in the Solomons.

Port Moresby is now proof against re-capture and the 6th is heading for Buna. Buna is not solidly held. I may hit Milne Bay with my last clumsy amphib attack. It is not well held. Even KB (probably NOT with original KB air groups) wants no part of PM. A hundred fifty P-40K with experienced pilots will do that. Some P-38s are starting to filter in. My USMC naval strike planes at PM got worn down killing marus and ASW escorts.

I have 4 x CVE loaded with 28 Wildcats (so-so pilots) moving toward Perth to start getting some regular fuel and supply deliveries into my sub base at Darwin. The Wildcat pilots aren't all that hot but there is more than a hundred of them, so I figure they can dominate Betties. Only at Darwin itself is the base within Zero range. I'll take my chances. I have the No. 75 and No. 76 squadrons there and I spent the PP to upgrade them to Spit Vs and loaded them up with veteran and elite pilots. I'll have to move some Aussie P-39s to Broome to help fend off Betties.

Comparing other scenarios it looks to me like Scen 2 cuts the US from its historical committment (20% of US production) down to somewhere between 12 to 16% of US production. Game balancing, I suppose.

CBI is totally comatose. China land turns are noisy but it's just Japanese and Chinese lobbing hand grenades and small-caliber mortar rounds. The scenario keeps the RAF so starved of replacements it's all I can do to defend Calcutta, Silchar, and Chittagong. Moving a few re-cycled Dutch bomber units into ASW operations is big-time excitement in the CBI.

AI-San sent a half-assed amphib raid to Dutch harbor but two Omahas made crab chow out of them. My sub skippers no doubt appreciate skimmers sinking E-class escorts.

I've got my subs patrolling at least seven hexes from AI-San's air bases. Thius keeps the detection down but I'm still feeling around for lucrative shipping lanes. Now if I could just get it through my sub skippers' heads to use the Mk.14 instead of dueling it out in daylight gun battles with marus that outgun you. The Scenario has all my subs equipped with 3"/50 deck guns. So my subs are getting shot up by marus instead of specialist ASW craft.

For all you Australians, I understand you want to stay out of the NT. Apparently the army is rounding up people and confining them to a camp outside Katherine.

RangerJoe -> RE: Here We Go Again (11/24/2021 4:55:00 PM)

You can withdraw the Warspite from Sydney, I do believe . . .

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/3/2021 11:26:29 PM)

Thanx for the help RJ. Warspite withdrew nicely from Sydney.

Sitrep Jan 27, 1942.
Couple of developments:
1. Battle of widely scattered aluminum. I provoked AI-San into a two-day furball at Akyab. AI-SAn had 180 fighters based at Akyab and I musted up 210 fighters at Gittalong. Used my thin RAF strike planes as bait. Well, I got my furball, but I don't think I came out on top. He lost about a quarter of his fighters but I lost as many if not more. One Hurri squadron was zeroed out in a single day. My 10th USAAF fighters (23rd and 51st FG) performed poorly - losing about 40% of their planes. I pulled back to defensive positions and increase supply to local bases, but some of my pools are empty. I may be staring at the jungled hills for a while in Burma.

2. Minor action in China. AI-San really has it in for Chairman Mao. Not only did AI-San drive Mao back across the Yellow River with serious losses, but is beating on the door of Mao's erstwhile stronghold of Loyang. AI-San has come to the realization that Chiang has him bottled up in the Canton/Hong Kong pocket. AI-San is trying to attack out but does not have the firepower to push back the roadblocks - big corps on fine defensive terrain and (by Chinese standards) good supply. I'll just watch him bleed.

3. Situation at Port Moresby is excellent. 125 fighters with my best pilots make a visit to PM a bloodbath even for KB air groups. Scads of supply in PM. I re-took Buna and the Aus 6th and 7th are marching on Salamaua - a time consuming action. Engineers are moving toward Buna. B-26s have flattened Lae.

4. Pacific Fleet is largely in Pearl. Beginning Feb 1, major flak refits are due and I am addicted to the huge flak ratings US ships can achieve at this time. Also on March 1, my carrier air groups reorganize.

5. At Brisbane and Noumea I have invasions in the planning stage for Milne Bay and Rossel Island. Both are in range on my land-based air power and neither has more than a regiment on it.

6. I am beginning to figure out how to hit his shipping lanes without stirring up air detection too much. A puzzlement: AI-San does not seem to air patrol the Luzon Strat and my subs - even with crummy torpedoes - are feasting.

7. I am running the first "Malta Convoy" from Perth the Darwin. Lack of fuel has interrupted sub ops in the South China Sea.

One observation: Spitfire Vcs in the hands of the best Aussie pilots are murder on Zeroes,but are strictly point-defense fighters.

RangerJoe -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/4/2021 12:38:48 AM)

You are welcome.

AI-San is stupid. You may be able to capture Canton in March and liberate Hong Kong in April/May.

Maybe get some Allied bombers or fighter bombers to attack enemy shipping in that navigable river to Hangkow. They will need something on Naval Search as well.

If you plan and do some clicking, you can push/pull supplies from Burma into China. You might also want to bring those Commonwealth base forces from Burma into China as well as the lone AAA unit as well.

BBfanboy -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/4/2021 2:15:28 AM)

Hmmm. Last page you were in November 42. Now we get a Sitrep for January 42. Time warp? [;)]

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/4/2021 3:39:45 AM)

January 1943.

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/4/2021 1:41:10 PM)

AI-San on the ground is about as bright as Felix Zollicoffer, but to some extent I am hampered by early success.

In Dec. 1941 I did the most shameless "Brave Sir Robin" act you can imagine in Burma. I ran - fast. Usain bolt is just now catching up. For some reason AI-San never pressed me so I got literally all of the Burma Army to the safety of the Imphal line. (Cox's Bazaar to Ledo) I think I only lost one battalion and one other reduced to AV<5, but otherwise got out in good order. Using the terrain I've built a Pacific Hindenberg Line. AI-San occupied the central valley and left it at that but built a pretty strong position at Akyab. We are basically separate by two hexes of jungle/mountain terrain and really have no logistical ways around it.

He can't drive me off the line but my forces are not strong enough to drive him back either. Outside of a few British formations the Indian Army is about like the Burma Army - an army of occupation with little firepower. Scenario 2 limits my RAF to about 45 bombers and about 150 fighters. It also delays appearance of SE Asia Command and the 10th USAAF is severely limited in replacements.

Basically, I'm going nowhere in Burma/India unless AI-San just collapses.

In China it is largely the same but I did a better job of hold some cities so my supply situation is not so dire. Further AI-San cannot amass a concentration strong enough to take anything without leaving something uncovered. So we sit ... for now.

Ho Chi Minh did advance out of Vietnam and took Nanning. One VM division, three RTA divisions and a big IJA brigade. By he has adopted and strongpoint deployment and I'm gathering up some blocking forces (Chinese corps 125-175 AV) to surround Fortress nanning and I'm getting some larger corps to assault it. Gotta get Nanning off my flank. I think I can take Canton but Hong Kong is a tough nut as it cannot be really isolated.

AI-San's script is somewhat different than other scenarios. After mid-1942 AI-San took KB into hiding. The carriers come out for limited sorties but they did not embark those magnificent air wings. KB's sorties have the feel of training missions.

More to come.

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/13/2021 4:26:56 PM)

Sitrep Feb. 18, 1943

Not a lot happening at the front. A lot of my ships got big flak refits and I'm right in the middle of re-organizing my carrier dive bomber squadrons. I grounded my CV air wings at Pearl so they could train, train, train while the refit is going on. I've trained up enough experienced fighters to replace the green pilots I expect to come with Essex.

Things are dead quiet at Midway, the Aleutians, and India/Burma.

The Port Moresby base is becoming dominant in the SWPAC. I've used B-26s (escorted by P-40K) to grind Lae to mush. What planes and ships were left bugged out. I've gotten engineers and some supply into Buna and the Aus I Corps is bearing down on Salamauea and Wau. I have the US 32nd Infantry fully prepped for Milne Bay and the 1st USMC division prepped for Rossel Island. I have a dozen LSTs transiting to Noumea. LSTs are necessary for quick unloading of tank (Milne Bay only) and SeaBee units as dozers are heavy. APA and AKA conversion should commence next month so these may be the last invasions I have to do with AP and AK shipping.

I have a CVE force escorting fuel and supply from Perth to Darwin. Darwin is not aggressive in the air as all I have are veteran Aussies driving Spit Vs. Great point defense fighters but no range to speak of.

My strategic sub war is picking up. I think I've found the sweet spot in his shipping lanes and with radar, I'm getting lots of contacts but I'm away from detecting air units.

BBfanboy -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/13/2021 5:01:04 PM)

I had to look up "Felix Zollicoffer". Wikipedia says he was born in 1812 but served as a captain in the Revolutionary War! Did that war go on past 1832? [:D] He seems to have skipped the war of 1812-14 (the slacker!).[:D]
He did get himself killed early in the Civil War.

RangerJoe -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/13/2021 5:57:11 PM)



I had to look up "Felix Zollicoffer". Wikipedia says he was born in 1812 but served as a captain in the Revolutionary War! Did that war go on past 1832? [:D] He seems to have skipped the war of 1812-14 (the slacker!).[:D]
He did get himself killed early in the Civil War.

Not the US Revolutionary War! They probably made an error and meant the US Civil War.

BBfanboy -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/14/2021 6:00:14 PM)





I had to look up "Felix Zollicoffer". Wikipedia says he was born in 1812 but served as a captain in the Revolutionary War! Did that war go on past 1832? [:D] He seems to have skipped the war of 1812-14 (the slacker!).[:D]
He did get himself killed early in the Civil War.

Not the US Revolutionary War! They probably made an error and meant the US Civil War.

Obviously. I was just pointing out that Wikipedia entries are not always edited. [8|]

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/20/2021 4:56:38 PM)

Felix Zollicoffer was definitely in the American Civil War. Tied with Gideon Pillow for the crown of "Worst General of the Civil War" He made Nathaniel Banks look like Napoleon by comparison. A newspaper man turned politician, he did not have enough military smarts to be a squad corporal. All you can say positive is that he did manage to raise a small Confederate army in eastern Tennessee which was solid Abolitionist country. Not much of one but better than nothing.

He crossed a mountain stream in a rainstorm and by time he got his "army" across the stream (called "Fishing Creek") was swollen to impassibility. Zollicoffer had no idea where the Yankees were (his "army" had no cavalry) or their composition. He did not know his opponent - a tactically solid West Pointer named George C. Thomas. He had his poorly-trained army attack piece meal against Thomas. His army was mostly armed with flintlock rifles and in the rain those don't work real well. Thomas' Yankees were armed with comparatively more reliable percussion cap muskets.
For those of your not familiar with the terrain in the central Appalachian Plateau, in late winter and early spring it RAINS. With a vengeance. Zollicoffer's army was reduce to jabbing with bayonets and quickly demoralized and routed - right into an impassable stream. A lot of Confederates drowned trying to get away.

To compound the stupidity Zollicoffer led his army on horseback wearing a white slicker. He was an easy and conspicuous target and the Yankees made sure Zollicoffer would never have to face recriminations.

Zollicoffer's "army" was annihilated, either killed or captured. On this field a wounded man was as good as dead. The officers spent the rest of the war in POW cages. The enlisted men were paroled on their promise to not take up arms against the US. Usually, the parole system didn't work very well, but in this case it did. These grunts had seen enough of war in general and the Confederate States of America in particular. The rebels could raise a company of infantry in east Tennessee the rest of the war. Not even guerillas.

The Battle of Fishing Creek was a lot like the Battle of Colloden in that a small battle had big ramifications. Not only did Thomas destroy a semi-organized army but he slowly moved through east Tennessee putting down pockets of "secesh" - thoroughly. Slow was something Thomas did really well. Not only was east Tennessee pro-Lincoln during the war, but it resisted the Democratic Party until FDR.

This is the poster child for why one should ignore the military bleats of the media.

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/20/2021 5:26:40 PM)

Back to the Pacific.

Sitrep March 1, 1943
Things are starting to stir - a little.
Most of the Feb 43 flak upgrades have been completed. Soon as my carrier squadron upsize I will go on the prowl. Fletcher-class DDs have about half supplanted older 'cans. I have ELEVEN Standards as a bombardment/beachhead defense force. I am aggressive patrolling the PH/Johnston Island area. Soon as the SBDs upgrade I'll go flatten Wotje. But that is a diversion.

My big action will be to invade Milne Bay with the US 32nd Division. AI-San's position is surrounded and the small garrison will be massacred. I'm set up not only to stomp the garrison but immediate land plenty of SeaBees and base forces. AI-San thoughtfully built a level two airfield there and my SeaBees can expand it quickly.

Immediately after, the 1st Marine Div is prepped take Rossel Island.

Both of these bases are isolated from air support until AI-San wants to bring out his KB "B-team." Guadalcanal is already under token bombardment and Shortland will be flanked.

Hopefully these will be the last invasions using old APs and AKs. I have all my conversion APs and AKs in Mare Island and Alameda for conversion to APA and AKA. I have a dozen LSTs and they are appearing almost every day. With the ability to put a lot of troops on the beach quickly invasions should be easier, even without a lot of CV support.

China and India remain comatose.

I'm running biweekly 14 knot tanker/xAK convoys Perth to Darwin - escorted by four CVES with a 100% fighter air wing. Not exactly elite pilots but 100 Wildcats have cut down on the Betty raids on these convoys. An improving fuel and supply situation in Darwin is slowly allowing me to increase sub ops in the South China Sea and the Makassar Strait.

BTW the advice on dodging the sub detection problem has worked.

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/21/2021 3:01:22 AM)

Yet another dumb question for the forum.

What is the procedure for using an AKV as something other than a glorified freighter? I cannot seem to extract this from the manual.

BBfanboy -> RE: Here We Go Again (12/21/2021 10:49:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Taxcutter

Yet another dumb question for the forum.

What is the procedure for using an AKV as something other than a glorified freighter? I cannot seem to extract this from the manual.

An AKV is a glorified freighter. Just put it in a Transport TF, dock it and "load troops" to select an Unrestricted air unit to transport (only one per AKV). The advantage of an AKV is that the planes are not disassembled at all - they are ready to use as soon as you land them at an air base. Loading the same planes on an AK or xAK would require one day of reassembly after unloading. Loading on an xAKL would require 3 days for reassembly.

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (1/6/2022 8:34:47 PM)

Thanks for the help on AKV usage.
Advice from the forum has proven quite handy. I've become fairly good at dodging AI-San's aircraft with my subs. I have 180 degree turns built into the patrol zones and detection is rarely more than 3 and they lose me after a day.

At any rate time for a sitrep. This was delayed due to damage to my favorite gaming chair - a 25 year old La-Z-Boy. It was hit by a weapon far more fearsome than a Long Lance - repeated landings by my fat butt. La-Z-Boy is listing to port but I have it in a temporary dry dock. Sadly, La-Z-Boy no longer repairs these old chairs. Maybe I can fix it. To the sitrep.

April 1, 1943.
In the latter part of March I carried out a four-part peripheral raid on AI-San's empire. I bombarded Wotje and Maleolap with carrier planes and Standard BBs, I air raided Akyab with British and Tenth Air Force fighters and medium bombers. I flattened Lae with US medium bombers and some B-17s, and most importantly I took Milne Bay with the US 32nd ID.

The Akyab raids went as well as I could expect with depleted Blenheim and Hurricane squadrons. The airfield is 80% damaged and the refinery at Magwe is 40% damaged - good as I could expect with weak aircraft pools in the area.

Lae went much better. Plenty of B-26s, B-25s and P-40K escorts inflicted 90% damage om Lae's airfield and 100% damage on the port. I'm gonna have to consolidate the B-26 groups as the airframe pools are shot.

Milne Bay currently only has the assault units and 10,000 supply. I have Seabees and base force in line to garrison Milne Bay and the earlier-captured Buna. This will need a lot of LRCAP as I have no carriers in the area. I have 4 x CVE escorting fuel and supply into Darwin. As a result, sub activity in the South China Sea and Makassar Strait is becoming more productive.

The raids on the Marshalls were somewhat screwed up. Apparently, four Standards is too much bombardment units. Next time I'll use two BB bombardment TFs. Surface ships got minor damage and I gave the returning BBs got the wrong orders at Pearl. Now, the Oklahoma and Nevada will be out of commission for the rest of the year. The Maryland got thirty days of damage. I wasn't really planning on using these ships as the backbone of 1943 offensive operations. Worst of all, the Hornet's SBD squadron got away from fighter escort and got mauled. Airframe losses were nearly 100% and aircrew losses were about 50%. Gotta be more careful. Supposedly Hellcats will begin arriving. I have two squadrons of land-based Corsairs in the Buna area. Essex is due in three months and I have well-trained replacements for the rookie pilots that usually show up with the ship.

I have a bunch of APA, AKA, and LST are en route to Pearl. Invasions should be easier. Next plan is to take the Louisiades and Lae. The 6th and 7th Aus divisions drove AI-San's land units out of Wau and have crossed the river. The 9th Aus is due in shortly and i think that should be enough to take Lae and Finschhaven. Taking the Louisiades will flank Shortlands and Guadalcanal.

My Mk.14 torpedoes seem to be improving somewhat.

Logistics look to be improving nicely.
The scenario keeps my pools shallow, so I can't be overly aggressive.

orabera -> RE: Here We Go Again (1/8/2022 10:04:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: Taxcutter

Rascally AI beat me to Canton Island. He'll have a rough time defending it. He doesn't have a 2+ AF south of Makin. Even Zeros have a limit on endurance. I'll probably be able to pummel him with CA based bombardment. But it still imposes a longer detour around him. I have gathered up 11 and 13 knot AOs to let my shorter legged xAKs sail out of range of trouble. Once Liberty ships with their 19,000 mile endurance show up this becomes less and less of a problem.

Bora Bora was code named Bobcat and the first SeaBee unit is named Bobcat for a reason. It was sent there and Bora Bora was turned into a giant gas station for convoys running from the west coast to Australia. Well out of range of any air threat from Canton or possibly even Noumea. It's just the right range to refuel Clemson class DD escorts

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (2/1/2022 10:21:35 PM)

Sitrep May 31, 1943

Sorry about lack of sitreps but, really there has been nothing to report. Just moving troops around through the enormous distances.

No action in Aleutians as AI=San and I agree it is a cul-de-sac not worth the effort.
No action in India as neither of us has enough resources to boot the other off the Imphal ridge. The Scenario really short-changes the RAF I I cannot get any edge. there. I've move all the 10th USAAF except the "Hump" tranports."

I did finally ousted AI-San from Canton Island and have it garrisoned so none of his cheesy amphib counterattacks will get anywhere. I have a force aimed at Baker Island and another aimed at the Ellice Islands. This will straighten out my cargo routes to Australia.

I nabbed Milne Bay and now have sufficient air defense to start building up to (initially) clear the Louisiades and outflank Shortlands and Guadalcanal.

Building up fuel & supply most everywhere. Darwin is now a busy sub base.

Chiang is moving a big army toward Canton/Hong Kong. I am getting ships ready for "Malta Convoys" to those ports once taken. These will be expensive. I haven't made any move up the eastern DEI or the Makassar Strait just yet.

Mk. 14s are now exploding and the take is 3-5 ships a day. Advice from the forum works A-OK.

Two air issues. Am starting to replace Wildcats with Hellcats but for some reason I just can't get that last plane out of maintenance.
For some reason Spitfires with elite pilots just can't kill more than 1 one 2 Betties per raid.

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (2/20/2022 3:17:36 AM)

I'm still out here slugging it out with AI-San.

Sitrep July 1, 1943
I took and garrisoned Canton and Baker Islands. This will straighten out my logistics convoy paths. Got lots of small islands planned for attack. Finally got some CVEs to the 7th Fleet. AI-San has some Betties that are geniuses at finding my less escorted transports. Further his Betties seem to thumb their noses at the very best fighters I have: Spit V with nearly elite Aussie pilots. He doesn't shoot down my fighters but these Spits should slaughter Betties - - but they don't. What I have to do is use B-25s and P-38s to find and smash his bases. I NG he has lots of Nicks and Tojos which are hard on B-25s. And the range of Betties lets him sit in bases halfway to the Imperial Palace and still kill my little cargo ships.

Thanks to tips from the forum my subs are absolutely feasting on AI-San's merchant ships. I'm sinking 8-10 ships A DAY on a routine basis (nice when Mk. 14s explode). I allocated the Makassar strait to the Dutch, the South China sea to the US Asiatic subs. the modern Gatos and Balaos at Midway get Japanese waters. I don't get detected often and never more than a day at a time. Distance, as always is the big enemy in 1943. Hell, even the S boats are chipping in.

Scenario 2 concentrates all AI-San's Tonys in India-Burma. These license-built Me-109s are murder on Hurricanes, all marks of P-40s and USAAF 4E bombers. Just like the ETO. My pools in CBI are very thin and I have to stop after a couple days of action.

Chinese land war is just like previous scenarios. AI-San has the tactical smarts of Gideon Pillow.

Grind, grind, grind.

Taxcutter -> RE: Here We Go Again (2/20/2022 9:07:29 PM)

Sitrep July 3, 1943

Major air defeat for the RAF in the India-Burma area. I ran a major set of raids on the airfield at Magwe to set up destruction of the oil fields. The RAF came back with a major Schweinfurt/Regensburg butthurt.

AI-San's Tonies massacred the RAF Hurricanes and Blenheims. I've had to retreat back out of range. With the thin replacement pools for the RAF in India, it looks like offensive air operations are cancelled for at least six weeks if not more.

The US 10th AAF didn't help much. Scen 2 has their pools almost non-existent. I moved the US fighter groups to Ledo to protect the Hump transports. Also the Betties raiding Darwin are just smarter than 48 of the best Aussie pilots in Spit Vs.

On the other hand, I'm definitely getting the upper hand in eastern NG. All his fields are losing planes on the ground and that's always a goo thing.

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