jwarrenw13 -> RE: Ladies and gentlemen, a suggestion. Chill. (8/5/2021 5:36:32 PM)
I belong to a couple of other forums, private groups, where political discussion is prohibited. One of them is a private group for current and retired US Army professionals in a certain specialized field. No, not special ops, not trying to hint at that, something much more mundane but quite interesting. We discuss the state of the speciality, jobs available, Army policy, and sometimes events in the news (usually Army or DOD related but sometimes not) that directly affect the specialty. We discuss how those things affect the specialty and lessons that can be learned for practitioners. There is a strict rule not to let politics enter into the discussion, and in nearly all cases, even in things related to presidential directives or congressional actions, they are done without politics entering into the discussion. But every now and then someone just has to make a political comment, usually just a totally unecessary swipe at one political party or the other, or some highly polarizing politician. Which often leads to a counter political comment. Etc. There is a warning, and if it continues, the person is kicked out of the forum. But nearly everyone can follow the ground rules and skirt political discussion, even if the topic is about a political decision by the president or congress. It just takes a little self discipline. Those who can't help themselves just need to avoid such groups and go where there are no such rules. In today's world there are almost limitless opportunities to find your place.