mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (Full Version)

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mitch1495 -> mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (8/9/2021 1:21:22 PM)

I've always wanted to try posting an AAR, but quite frankly I don't think my lackluster play would be of much entertainment value. So after almost 4 years of trying to figure out this game here it is. Also, full disclosure mrclark1495 is my brother.

Full FOW
SU not locked
full blizzard
non random weather
no soviet bonus
Only house rule is no bombing of HQ alone.

Other than that, Katy bar the door.

mitch1495 -> RE: mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (8/9/2021 1:29:09 PM)

We are several turn into the game now, so mrclark1495 is welcome to reply to this post. Here are my opening moves from North to south. Pretty standard, no real surprises.

EwaldvonKleist -> RE: mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (8/9/2021 6:32:00 PM)

You are lucky to have a brother who is WitEing with you, good luck with the campaihn!

mitch1495 -> RE: mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (8/10/2021 9:21:21 PM)

So, I've tried to upload screenshots of our game, and it tells me I can upload any posts for 7 days. Any idea why this is happening?

mitch1495 -> RE: mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (8/10/2021 9:30:43 PM)

Here is the opening moves with AGN. I went for the Riga attack, as well as sent a motorized division to take out the ports. This effectively trapped the Soviet NW Front, as well as the Air Command for NW Front.

mitch1495 -> RE: mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (8/10/2021 9:33:01 PM)

Here is the opening moves for AGC. Nothing out of the ordinary, except sending a Panzer Corp to solidify the encirclements at AGS.

corbon -> RE: mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (8/10/2021 11:41:56 PM)

Things are quiet around here it seems, but I'll be quietly following. Thanks for posting.

mitch1495 -> RE: mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (8/11/2021 2:06:48 PM)

I am trying to upload pics directly to the thread, but having no success. The only way for me to get anything up is to upload it as an attachment. Obviously I'm not very sophisticated, what am I doing wrong?

corbon -> RE: mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (8/11/2021 8:40:55 PM)

You'll notice from my post count that I am an infrequent contributor. Thats probably over 5 yrs or more. I vaguely recall failing to post images a long time ago and it apparently being due to low post count. Not sure if thats right or not though.
Testing with a random image now. The blue check "Embed picture in post" is showing - I assume you've been checking that box? Lets see how mine works...

ETA: Err, rather well, and thats a very big image on this board!... which I can't figure out how to reduce here.
Vague attempt at context... the blurry figures at the back are Russian Cuirassiers


BrianG -> RE: mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (8/12/2021 2:04:25 AM)

where you have an attachment, just adjust that to embed it in the post and the photo will show in the panel.

JoeLewis -> RE: mitch1495 (axis) vs. mrclark 1495 (8/15/2021 12:46:10 PM)

yes there is a check mark below the textbook that says "Embed picture in post." You also need to convert it to the right file format so that it loads.

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