Rosencrantus -> RE: Faster way to change HQ? (8/28/2021 9:03:59 PM)
ORIGINAL: Firewire9452 I’d kill for a multi unit reassignment tool—shift click a bunch of units and reassign them all at once to a HQ. same thing for plane upgrades in the commander’s report and map transfers—I’d love to be able to shift click/mass select units and then transfer them to the map all at once or upgrade the plane model all at once. If there’s a way to do anything of these things, and I’ve missed them, I’ll happily look for foolish in exchange for someone telling me how. If you get lazy like me when assigning HQs, you can just bring a HQ right next or on top of the unit you want reassigned (make sure that HQ is the closest HQ to the unit you want reassigned) and then hit G as that key reassigns the selected units to the nearest HQ. Then hit undo to move the HQ back in the original location, not an exploit as you could have assigned the units manually through all the menus, this just saves time. For upgrading/transfering units en masse, you'd have to use the commanders report to do that, though I never used it for that.