loki100 -> RE: no clue (8/13/2021 1:57:09 PM)
ORIGINAL: freeboy so... I probably am getting my hand slapped but is the fixed #3 april rule in the Manual ? FAST response much appreciated \There is an art to shifting from eating land to digging in... much thanks \\ aye, technically that is not a winter rule but a June 41-April 42 rule, just that deep snow/blizzards makes it even worse but the core problem is a hard wired hit on your logistics system I think one of the hard to answer questions is what line works for your winter defense. My feeling is if you stay broadly within the supply net you are also too far west, so there is somewhere that accepts a stressed logistic system but at the same time places you well for 1942 (with obv the variable of how strong the Red Army still is to feed in). No idea how to solve this at the moment, but doing a fair bit of experimenting and keep a close eye on those AARs that report the winter period