The Air Operation: A Warsaw Pact Strategy for Achieving Air Superiority (Full Version)

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Fido81 -> The Air Operation: A Warsaw Pact Strategy for Achieving Air Superiority (8/16/2021 5:35:18 AM)

Here's an article on the Soviet approach to gaining air superiority that I found quite interesting.

The website that hosts the document ( is a veritable treasure trove of primary and secondary sources that I imagine would be of interest to the community.

Patmanaut -> RE: The Air Operation: A Warsaw Pact Strategy for Achieving Air Superiority (8/16/2021 2:18:10 PM)

Thank you!

stilesw -> RE: The Air Operation: A Warsaw Pact Strategy for Achieving Air Superiority (8/16/2021 2:36:38 PM)


Thanks for this reference. I've added it to the unofficial Command Dropbox reference library.

Unofficial - i.e. not sponsored by WarefareSims, MatrixGames, Slitherine, their employees, relatives, pets or ancestors.

As always, any forum member can have access to this Dropbox resource. Just PM me with your email address.

-Wayne Stiles

Gunner98 -> RE: The Air Operation: A Warsaw Pact Strategy for Achieving Air Superiority (8/16/2021 4:19:20 PM)

Interesting analysis, thanks for sharing. I particularly liked the annexes describing the resources and likelihood of success for attacking the HAWK belt and airbases.

I guess I've been playing CMO for too long as not much in the main body was a revelation, except perhaps the impact of weather.

Forgot how cloudy it could be in Germany.


Coiler12 -> RE: The Air Operation: A Warsaw Pact Strategy for Achieving Air Superiority (8/17/2021 3:56:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gunner98
I guess I've been playing CMO for too long as not much in the main body was a revelation, except perhaps the impact of weather.

For me it was that and reading tons of OPFOR documents made later. [:'(]

Shkval25 -> RE: The Air Operation: A Warsaw Pact Strategy for Achieving Air Superiority (8/21/2021 8:20:12 AM)

So in other words, LGBs would have been basically useless.

PN79 -> RE: The Air Operation: A Warsaw Pact Strategy for Achieving Air Superiority (8/29/2021 1:51:59 PM)

Played little bit with this. Attached is scenario where you command West German Bavarian air and air defence units with goal to survive Warsaw Pact first wave onslaught.

It is not ideally polished as my research is not finished. WarPac will not target radar bases.

There is no scoring but if WarPac air force close runways on Memmingen, Lechfeld and Neuburg consider it total defeat.
You can use any tactics you want – including pre-emptive attack. Goal of this is test different approaches to the problem.

Be free to modify it.

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