bcgames -> WEGOWW2: URAN 1942-43 (8/18/2021 3:05:11 AM)
[image]local://upfiles/35266/FC42417741F346BBA003C40054BC46E7.jpg[/image] Given we are a two-man team, and while Brian is coding Monty's Front, I have nothing to do...we have decided to develop two WEGOWW2 games at once--Monty's Front and URAN 1942-43 (OO-rahn). Monty's Front has been previously described. URAN 1942-43 will address the Soviet counter-offensive against the 6.Armee and 4.Panzerarmee which created the Stalingrad "kessel" in November 1942. This stand-alone game will cover the Operations Uranus, Winter Storm, and Ring (the pocket reduction battles between November 19 1942 and 2 February 1943). This endeavor ought to be fun!