Expansion Planner distance (Full Version)

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Chris21wen -> Expansion Planner distance (8/24/2021 7:16:17 AM)

Been playing this for along time and should know but coming back to game.

Can someone tell me how distance is measured in the expansion planner? It's not form nearest colony nor either home world or selected constructor location, any of which would be more useful than what is. I know what it appears to be but confirmation would be most helpful.

Chris21wen -> RE: Expansion Planner distance (8/26/2021 7:49:09 AM)

Nobody knows then or is it a secret.

Siddham -> RE: Expansion Planner distance (8/26/2021 11:17:55 AM)

I always assumed it was from nearest colony...
If you figure it out please lets know here

SirHoraceHarkness -> RE: Expansion Planner distance (8/26/2021 5:37:52 PM)

Eh not sure either. I always assumed it was measured from the home world.

Chris21wen -> RE: Expansion Planner distance (8/27/2021 9:45:18 AM)

Worked it out. heres' the situation with three planets, one space port, 1 constructor and one colony ship in broanee. There are also four more inhabital planets , 2 in Broanee and one each in the other two.

All the distances are measured from the home world no matter what you have selected on the map.


Chris21wen -> RE: Expansion Planner distance (8/27/2021 9:53:04 AM)

Here we have the same planets but Broanee now has a planet and a spaceport.

With just the colony built distances remained the same as above but when I built a space port at colony in Broanee some of the distances changed. Those in system were now shown as much closer, all the rest had the same distances. Conlusion is distances are measrure to the nearest space port.


Chris21wen -> RE: Expansion Planner distance (8/27/2021 10:11:06 AM)

Now look at a typical problem with this system. Here we have a resource shwon as 0K distance, the available constuctor is nearly half way across the galaxy. Yes I can find the a closer source by stepping through but with a lot of locations, like hydrogen, it tendious and should not be necessary. Be much better if the distance could also be measured to the constuctor itself and/or the selected space port.

Hope this is the case with DW2.

Hattori Hanzo -> RE: Expansion Planner distance (9/10/2021 10:28:13 AM)

The expansion planner measures are from HomeWorld

Chris21wen -> RE: Expansion Planner distance (10/5/2021 7:08:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: Hattori Hanzo

The expansion planner measures are from HomeWorld

Not what my simple test has shown. See post 6.

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