MarkShot -> RE: Anyone interested in opening the "Library of WitE-Resources V2"? (8/27/2021 1:08:17 PM)
Ewald, I looked at the link in your sig. Very useful, but I only bought WITE2 and WITW (my first GG titles). I did notice you had one link to a non-generic AHK utility. I wrote two totally generic AHKs for WITE2/WITW ... it will work for all GG titles running in a window to support 2-3 displays with just a minor change. The problem are where the displays meet and scrolling left or right. I raised this with Matrix who said it was impossible to fix. As such being a former CTO, I had it done in a couple of hours. But Matrix has declined to host an EXE for the community to fix their missing multi-monitor support. (I am willing to share my coding with Matrix, but not host fixes to their products.) WITE2 ===== #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance force #Persistent #NoTrayIcon Game01 = War in the East 2 v TimerInterval = 100 SetTitleMatchMode 1 CoordMode, Mouse, Screen Sleep, 30000 SysGet, MonCnt, MonitorCount If MonCnt==1 ExitApp SetTimer, ScriptDone, %TimerInterval% SetTimer, WatchCursor, %TimerInterval% return ScriptDone: IfWinNotExist,%Game01%, ExitApp Return WatchCursor: IfWinActive, %Game01% { SysGet, Screen, Monitor, MouseGetPos, XPos, YPos If (XPos > ScreenRight) { MouseMove, ScreenRight+5, %YPos% } If (XPos < ScreenLeft) { MouseMove, ScreenLeft-5, %YPos% } } return ; This is reserved for future key binds - hard coded name is needed here ; for games. If you know how AHK works, then you can remap the game's ; hot keys here. #IfWinActive, War in the East 2 v, WITW ==== #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance force #Persistent #NoTrayIcon Game01 = War in the West 1. TimerInterval = 100 SetTitleMatchMode 1 CoordMode, Mouse, Screen Sleep, 30000 SysGet, MonCnt, MonitorCount If MonCnt==1 ExitApp SetTimer, ScriptDone, %TimerInterval% SetTimer, WatchCursor, %TimerInterval% return ScriptDone: IfWinNotExist,%Game01%, ExitApp Return WatchCursor: IfWinActive, %Game01% { SysGet, Screen, Monitor, MouseGetPos, XPos, YPos If (XPos > ScreenRight) { MouseMove, ScreenRight+5, %YPos% } If (XPos < ScreenLeft) { MouseMove, ScreenLeft-5, %YPos% } } return ; This is reserved for future key binds - hard coded name is needed here ; for games. If you know how AHK works, then you can remap the game's ; hot keys here. #IfWinActive, War in the West 1,