Wrong MP shows on the counter (Full Version)

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proflui -> Wrong MP shows on the counter (9/9/2021 1:48:55 PM)

I am starting to play Vistula to Berlin Campaign and right at start I see units with more than 100MP. It is wrong presentation. Please check whether it is a bug.


Joel Billings -> RE: Wrong MP shows on the counter (9/9/2021 3:15:51 PM)

I don't see that using 1.01.09 as the Soviet player. The file you attached is a spreadsheet (was that intended). Please save the game and zip that up and upload the save. thanks.

proflui -> RE: Wrong MP shows on the counter (9/9/2021 8:23:31 PM)

Here you go. Yes, I paste a picture on excel. So it is intended. Here I also attached the save. It is actually just right at the start of the game. Thanks!

Joel Billings -> RE: Wrong MP shows on the counter (9/9/2021 9:03:15 PM)

Ok, I see them now. When you have a stack that has over 100 attack CV, it looks like it puts an X there and then puts the attack CV value in the MP location. If you click on the hex, you will see the real MPs for the units on the right and on the top unit on the stack. I will put this on our bug list. Thanks.

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