IronManBeta -> RE: FATAL ERROR (9/17/2021 9:06:49 PM)
This error message is saying that it is running out of data from the saved file before it gets to the expected end of the Unit record. That happens sometimes during development when we add new properties to a class like TUnit and don't update the Save/Load routines at the same time. For you to be getting this now is completely unexpected. 1. Can we assume that this is only happening to PBEM++ games? Can you do a simple test of a scenario on your own computer by starting a scenario, saving it, and then reloading it? 2. It sounds like more than one saved PBEM++ game is acting up. Can you please confirm that? 3. All this speaks to some sort of file corruption. I see that you were on 2.0.14 (the very latest) and that you acquired the game via Steam. How confident are you that you can all your saved games and changes, move them to somewhere safe on your hard drive and then reinstall? I realize not everyone is comfortable doing that so I'm just asking. It is possible the game.exe somehow got damaged and a reinstall will fix it. 4. Hmmm. I will enter this into our bug tracking system and see what else I can come up with. So far, when I have been sent files from the Matrix PBEM++ server they have been good and error-free. If you can identify which games are acting up and which opponents they are against then there is a good chance we can get those files and see if there is anything wrong with them from this side. Hang in there, Rob C