Anyone still play this? (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> War In The Pacific - Struggle Against Japan 1941 - 1945


Rising-Sun -> Anyone still play this? (9/11/2021 12:45:24 PM)

Curious is it worth getting into, i mean vs. AI? Wanted to try the Japanese side, but didnt want to get stumped hard by the Allies on the early runs.

jwilkerson -> RE: Anyone still play this? (9/27/2021 3:48:12 PM)

Its been a while, but IIRC, AI tends to send small "suicide" TFs streaming randomly towards the Japanese ... tankers towards the PI ... and single carriers here and there ...

If you want to try to invade india for example and take all indian bases by the end of 1942 ... that's a bit of a challenge ...

bigbaba1111 -> RE: Anyone still play this? (1/3/2022 8:43:11 AM)

yeah. you have to set aggressive goals when playing against AI. otherwise: i am looking for an opponent atm. AE is simply too time consuming for me.

Mobeer -> RE: Anyone still play this? (1/27/2022 1:37:05 PM)

Managed to take India by the end of April 1942 - that really helps the Japanese as it prevents the pilot bug, reduces the number of Allied subs, frees up planes for ASW and troops for China.

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