Defending India (Full Version)

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ncc1701e -> Defending India (9/12/2021 7:07:05 PM)

I am under the impression that you need to forget about upgrading all your existing Indian units.
The secret is to have plenty of divisions quickly to stop the Japanese to progress.

Assault 1939 if needed, the important thing is to have plenty.

Any tips for India?

Stelteck -> RE: Defending India (9/12/2021 8:30:29 PM)

Divisions do not have zone of control and allow ennemy to move around freely, maybe it is more efficient to try to have small corps at least in the front line ?

Also send maximum ressources to india from UK and USA.

ncc1701e -> RE: Defending India (9/18/2021 3:00:14 PM)

USA needs to send ressources to Australia too. The advantage of division is to have several units quickly. They can be beaten but they will withdraw and gain experience. Later division can merged into corps.

I am not in front of the computer right now but I hope that India and Australia do not have a based land experience at 50%. I hope they gain experience overtime like Russia in WPE.

generalfdog -> RE: Defending India (10/12/2021 3:08:52 AM)

I would say some divisons are good but really you want to combine most in to small corps, India base experience is 40 UK, Australia and New zealand are 50

CrackingShow -> RE: Defending India (11/28/2021 6:09:45 PM)

Divisions are worthless in this game. Even for holding ports, small corps have ZoC which greatly slows down naval invasions.

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