Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (STARTED - taking Reserve players only) (Full Version)

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Darojax -> Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (STARTED - taking Reserve players only) (9/15/2021 4:40:22 PM)



Looking for players who are interested in joining a not yet started Multiplayer game. Format is 4 vs 4 (but that is flexible, more or fewer works as well).

These games are slow due to the number of people involved, only players who are patient and willing to commit for the long-haul are wanted. There will most likely be players leaving during the game, therefore a list with a 'Generals pool' is maintained, feel free to sign up even if many others have before you. Beginners are welcome, but it is expected that you are decently familiar with game mechanics, rules and user interface.

Positions for each side (guide only):

- Chief of Staff (required position) + Air Marshal
- North Ground Commander
- Center Ground Commander
- South Ground Commander

The Chief of Staff is the overall side-commander, responsible for that side producing turns, and point-of-contact for any inter-side dealings.
The Air Marshal position can be held by any of the 4 players, or even be assigned to a 5th player.

Me (Darojax) the organizer have experience from 2 previous MP games. Feel free to contact me on discord if you have questions etc: Darojax#4512

If you're intested, reply to this thread with your name and preferred position (if any).

fracas -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/15/2021 8:45:16 PM)


I would be very interested in joining, I'm currently involved in a WITE1 MP game and ive played/playing a few HvH in WITE2, mostly as soviets and I would be keen to join as one of the axis ground commanders

my preferred position would be in the centre then the south and then the north, just dont put me in command of the air

you can contact me on discord: fracas#9484

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/15/2021 8:47:08 PM)

Cheers, I'll add you to the list.

Hardradi -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/15/2021 10:20:04 PM)

Yes, I am interested. Prefer a ground commander position. Either side is fine with me.

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/15/2021 10:54:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hardradi

Yes, I am interested. Prefer a ground commander position. Either side is fine with me.

Good stuff, added.

M60A3TTS -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/16/2021 7:35:15 PM)

I'd be willing to play as Axis South.

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/16/2021 8:11:40 PM)

Rgr that.

Jeff_Ahl -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/17/2021 8:25:05 PM)

I am interested, I can go Axis North.

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/17/2021 10:16:47 PM)

Rgr, noted!

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/20/2021 12:03:00 PM)

Darojax, from your experience, what is a tempo in such games, i.e. how frequently player makes a move (once a day, once every three days) ?

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/20/2021 1:29:53 PM)

It varies greatly, all depending on the players participating.

There will be times when the game goes faster (especially in the start) and then periods where it will be slower. It's best if all players are prepared for a 'correspondence chess game pace' since it can get quite slow at times (although we do try to keep it up as best as possible). In any case it's definitely beneficial for the players to have a good portion of patience if they want to participate. In my opinion a slow game pace is not a problem and just the nature of these games, and something to be prepared for.

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/20/2021 1:33:07 PM)

An additional note, we do have enough players and are aiming to start ASAP, but please continue to sound off if you're interested as there will most likely be need for reserves taking over as the game progresses.

Jango32 -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/20/2021 1:36:05 PM)

I'll be part of the Fuhrer reserve.

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/20/2021 1:37:21 PM)



I'll be part of the Fuhrer reserve.

Rgr that! : )

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/20/2021 1:58:44 PM)

I was rather asking if a tempo is not too fast ? :) I mean, I can respond within 24 hours most of the times. However if I would have to make a move every day, then it may become a problem for me. From what you are saying, I have nothing to worry about.

If so, I would like to be in a Soviet reserve (as a ground commander).

Will there be a dedicated discord channel?

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/20/2021 2:08:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Niedowidek_slith

I was rather asking if a tempo is not too fast ? :) I mean, I can respond within 24 hours most of the times. However if I would have to make a move every day, then it may become a problem for me. From what you are saying, I have nothing to worry about.

If so, I would like to be in a Soviet reserve (as a ground commander).

Will there be a dedicated discord channel?

Yes, I can confirm, in this case you have nothing to worry about. : )

Alright, I'll add you to the Soviet reserve.

Indeed there is a discord server, add me as friend Darojax#4512 and I'll get you invited to the observer channel.

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/21/2021 9:44:27 AM)

Just to let people know, the game is now underway! I plan to post an AAR thread with information that is available to both sides (frontline, loss numbers etc).

We have a Discord server going, and there is an Observer chat channel for anyone who wants. If you want in, PM me on Discord Darojax#4512 and we'll get you sorted.

Also, as mentioned previously, feel free to still sign up for the game as previous experiences has shown there will probably be some player rotation.

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/21/2021 2:00:58 PM)

How many you have in Reserve?

You can put me on this list.

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/21/2021 2:39:02 PM)

Currently there are 4 in the reserve. Some are only interested in specific positions. I'll add you as well, tnx.

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (9/22/2021 8:02:57 AM)

A few more and we will be able to start our own game (but that would deplete reserves, tough luck...)

yuriprihodko -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (10/1/2021 5:06:07 PM)

Hi! I'm interested in joining as a ground commander on either side, no matter the front/area of operations. I'm still figuring out the air war, but I've mastered the ground war quite well, so if there are still openings left, I'd be glad to volunteer!

steevo38 -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (10/8/2021 10:29:30 AM)

Seems like you've already got lot of interest but I am too for any positions left available.

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (10/8/2021 10:42:35 AM)

Hey! Sorry, I should've made it more clear on the thread title, this game has already started, but signing up for the Reserve players is always welcome. I'll add your name to the reserve list, and if you want in on the Discord server contact me there Darojax#4512

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (10/8/2021 10:44:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: yuriprihodko

Hi! I'm interested in joining as a ground commander on either side, no matter the front/area of operations. I'm still figuring out the air war, but I've mastered the ground war quite well, so if there are still openings left, I'd be glad to volunteer!

Possibly I for got to reply to you? (Got too much stuff going on) In any case I added your name to the Reserve list as well.

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (10/8/2021 10:49:31 AM)

How long is reserve list now ? Soon we should have reserve list for reserve list. If we only have two players willing to be overall commanders for Soviet and German, we could start a parallel game.

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (10/8/2021 2:10:57 PM)

There are 7 persons in the Reserve list.

These games take a long time due to the number of people involved. To give you an idea the game started September 21st, now, two weeks later we're on Soviet turn 2. In my experience if you sign up as reserve for an MP game like this, even if there are many before you, you will probably get a request to join, even though it may take quite a while. : )

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (10/11/2021 5:59:12 PM)



Currently there are 4 in the reserve. Some are only interested in specific positions. I'll add you as well, tnx.


Please go ahead and take me off the list.

Thank you much!

Darojax -> RE: Players for Multiplayer game wanted! (10/11/2021 7:29:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: HardLuckYetAgain



Currently there are 4 in the reserve. Some are only interested in specific positions. I'll add you as well, tnx.


Please go ahead and take me off the list.

Thank you much!

Roger that, cheers.

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