Scenario Ideas (Full Version)

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hrfepo1 -> Scenario Ideas (9/15/2021 9:55:52 PM)

Does anyone have a method to research potential conflicts or situations? I would like to get started in designing my own scenarios, but I can't figure how to get started or where to go.

mikkey -> RE: Scenario Ideas (9/15/2021 10:00:43 PM)

hrfepo1, some useful hints are in Useful Material section

kevinkins -> RE: Scenario Ideas (9/15/2021 10:38:07 PM)

Hi hrfepo1

What era in the past, present or future would you like to simulate? There are so many web sites with info that can provide research into potential conflicts or situations. Gaining info is not hard. Putting a scenario together takes a bit more time. Feel free to PM me so I can give you a few starting pointers.


DWReese -> RE: Scenario Ideas (9/15/2021 10:38:21 PM)

My advice is to first start EDITING some existing scenario that you like to play. Start small. Add a unit here, subtract a unit there. Then play it. What happened? Was it balanced? Was what happened, expected to happen? This is often called sandboxing.

The idea is that you see how someone else did it. Do you want it to be historical? Do you want it to be theoretical? Do you want it to be balanced and fun? Do you want it to be playable from either side?

After you do this, you can look at how the original designer managed to create special things to make his scenario the best that it can be.

These tips should help you to get started.

One last thing, and I believe that it is the most important tip. START SMALL. Too many people envision a grand scenario with lots of units. These are difficult to do for a number of reasons. Start with just ships, and then add a few helos or planes. Perhaps later you can add a sub. Play around with things, but keep it small. Before long, an actual idea will come to you, and you will find yourself creating your own scenario.

Have fun, that's always the most important thing.


Gunner98 -> RE: Scenario Ideas (9/15/2021 11:07:13 PM)

The conflict or reality of it isn't important to start with. Get to know the mechanics. If there is a military you know, you can start with that and pick an enemy and a timeframe.

Technology has changed a lot since 1945 so there are a lot of different systems - the time you chose might be just as important as the opponents you chose.

Start small and play around, post the scenario when you think its playable and there are a bunch of really helpful guys who can give suggestions if you ask.

Enjoy it,


hrfepo1 -> RE: Scenario Ideas (9/16/2021 9:34:40 AM)


Thank you so much for your advice. The concept of building and editing scenarios is exceptionally good. I should have thought about it!


hrfepo1 -> RE: Scenario Ideas (9/16/2021 9:42:17 AM)


Thanks. I am learning the mechanics and that is better said than done. I just started editing an existing scenario and substituting some units. You are absolutely correct; it is a lot of fun!


TitaniumTrout -> RE: Scenario Ideas (9/17/2021 6:41:18 PM)

Look at it like a cake. How do you eat a cake?

One bite at a time.

For example I start with the basic premise, say a sea defense op by Drakens in the Baltic Sea. Then I build on it using historical information. If I tried to model all of Sweden I'd get bogged down in a huge mass. So I build one base and place the player as a Squadron commander. Then I find a challenging, but realistic OPFOR. Maybe the player can't stop the invasion, but just atrrits it to gain points. Asymetrical goals can make for interesting matches, (especially with the IKE framework).

Then run it. Watch it play out in a basic way. Then run it again with tweaks, etc. Craft a narrative, use the in game Event Editor to provide messages, details, fluff.

My goal is a scenario that is easy to play, but hard to master.

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