SA-5 with NCTR-JEM? (Full Version)

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rickywild -> SA-5 with NCTR-JEM? (9/17/2021 5:33:00 PM)

I was testing detection range for stealths against some SAM systems and found out that SA-5 (5N62 Square Pair) in the game has NCTR-JEM capability (in DB), not bad for late 60s.
So, it detects F-117A at 108nm (by the way it's a H-band radar).
It detects F-35A at 84nm, classifies it at 24nm with NCTR mode.
By the way, SA-21 detects F-35A only at 34nm

Is it a bug or a feature?

Coiler12 -> RE: SA-5 with NCTR-JEM? (9/18/2021 12:38:42 PM)

I don't know about the capability of the radar, but the NCTR ability (which, by the way, for that depends on the SA-5 operator's proficiency) is deliberate.

SeaQueen -> RE: SA-5 with NCTR-JEM? (10/2/2021 3:24:57 PM)

I assume it's the frontal radar cross section, since you're talking about NCTR?

Yeah, that looks about right. They are at least consistent with each other. Do you know how I checked?

R1/R2 = ((RCS1)^(1/4))/((RCS2)^(1/4))

You can use that formula for planning purposes, btw. Just be sure to convert the RCS over to m^2 before doing the math. If you have a detection range against a known rcs, you can calculate the detection range against any rcs. That's one of the quick bits of math I think is often useful in Command.

The real question is do you believe the underlying parameters for the radar driving those detection ranges? The data for the radar is probably about as good as you can do given the opened source nature of CMO. That doesn't mean they know what it actually is, though. It probably includes some guesses and arguments by analogy (e.g. System A is sort of like System B, except it has X because I read in this article..). Do you believe the rcs data? Regarding the rcs data, all I can tell you is that any rcs data you see quoted without a target aspect, frequency and polarization qualifying it might as well be a random number. Furthermore CMO RCS data reflects an average across various sectors. Real life rcs-es look like fuzzballs or tumors. I wouldn't understand any of those rcs numbers in CMO as necessarily being indicative of "real life." At best they're maybe more of a general trend? It may be as vague as "big," "medium," "little." The real "real life" answer is probably, "it depends." The things it depends on are at least partially things that aren't in the simulation.

That being said, it illustrates a point. Longer ranged, lower frequency radars, with a ton of power can probably detect stealth aircraft at useful ranges. That suggests that to effectively use them in the presence of longer ranged SAMs and lower frequency radars, you probably ought to consider employing some combination of electronic warfare and decoys with the aircraft. That could take the form of EA-18G, EF-111, EA-6, MALD, ITALD, and COMPASS CALL. The F-35 in CMO can even act as a jamming aircraft on its own. More is probably better. You might also want to consider deception, and maybe use some 4th gen assets to draw the bad guys away. Maybe you want to try low altitude in some places? Use the terrain. There's a lot of different approaches. Develop your own tactics. Be creative. The game is not rock, paper, scissors, where all you do is engage in a series of pairwise comparisons between opposing systems.

Stealth is not a cure all. It's an advantage, and if you're smart it can be decisive, but the way to think about it is not necessarily invisibility. It delays detection. What you do with that delay is up to you. Use it smartly. You want to use it so that by the time you are detected, the bad guys can't do anything effective about it. If you are REALLY smart, and use a combination of destroying the threatening radars that can't be avoided, jamming some systems, saturating the others with decoys, drawing the bad guys away with deception, and picking a smart route to block the LOS to radars that threaten you and you can't destroy, you can use that space to maybe not be detected at all, or if you are detected, you blend in with the swarms of decoys. Maybe the way to go is take out systems like the SA-5 with cruise missiles early on so their radars are no longer a threat? Don't wed yourself to one solution.

You don't want to tangle with SAMs anyhow. You want to strike operational and strategic centers of gravity. Those are your money targets. Avoid SAMs that can't hurt you. Only tangle with the ones in the target area. Pick cool targets like chemical weapons plants, Uranium enrichment facilities, C2 bunkers, airfields, and Kim Jung Un's personal beachfront get away.


ORIGINAL: rickywild

I was testing detection range for stealths against some SAM systems and found out that SA-5 (5N62 Square Pair) in the game has NCTR-JEM capability (in DB), not bad for late 60s.
So, it detects F-117A at 108nm (by the way it's a H-band radar).
It detects F-35A at 84nm, classifies it at 24nm with NCTR mode.
By the way, SA-21 detects F-35A only at 34nm

Is it a bug or a feature?

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