KorutZelva -> Destroying Will952: An AAR (9/17/2021 7:42:24 PM)
Ok so I'm on the road but that doesn't mean I cant start my musing now. You know the drill, same deal as with Ashfall, Will952 cant read my AAR and I cant read his if he makes one. The plan is: West first You might be saying "But KZ, you said you hate meta... why are you taking the historical route". It seems that people do Early Serbia-East first these days. The historical route by comparison is now almost exotic. I want to see if I can put my spin on it. I've been thinking on why this path seems less threaded. One of the reason I think it is just hard to do well. Serbia first offers a relatively easy way to open with a commending position. Schlieffen has the potential to go all sorts of wrong. If you're not careful about troop placement you just end up with a big traffic jam. Advance too slow and the French are UK will have established formidable defense before you bite a big chunk off of France. Ok so for this game I'm going Schliffen-ish rather than pure schliffen. So west first but not a drive to Paris directly, I swing left take out Belgium and hug the coast on the way down until it stalls then make the main effort Italy before going back to wrap up things in France. In the manual it suggest to leave Belgium to a second wave of troop and make the main drive in France... Never felt that worked so well. Go too south and France can dull the spearhead with counter-attacks, costly for both sides but enough to gain enough time to stabilize the situation. If you drive to the sea, you find yourself sandwiched between UK, France and Belgium safely tucked behind the Yser and need lots of troop to cover the wide front. So I practiced on hotseat a lot and found an chess opening to my liking. I cycles three units at 2:1 odds on the brussels corp... with typical luck enough to bring the str 8 corp under 5, removing its ZOC. This allows two cavalry to take hexes west of the Yser river (although one of the two needs to hit a surprise attack to avoid being blocked by a ZOC). With such position, the Belgium situation becomes essentially hopeless and likely means capitulation by turn 2. Then German can follow the coast south. If the brussels corp is a one str... I may decide to slow one of the cavalry to finish it off and sacrifice one Yser tile for Lille instead. Killing that corp turn 1 give a nice morale boost and allows me to store more corps by force marching them so it can be worth it. In the East I play defense, I will deploy one HQ and one canon and operate one additional corp by selling my airship tech. It will be a waiting game to see if the russian make their move toward Prussia or Galicia (or both!) Well thats it for now! [8D]