MarkShot -> If you go tactical/operational ... (9/26/2021 4:19:32 AM)
For those of you who love the Steppe ... the battle between the German military machine of Ubermensch and the numerous Untermensch defending their homes ... I would recommend Graviteam's MIUS Front ... most of the DLC focuses on the Ostfront. Some small bits focus on Africa, China, and eventually Iran/Iraq. This history has been researched in great detail and the physics of guns/shells/armor is done in great detail with digitized graphs modeled on the period documents of testing. Also, the amount of action that can be handled by a 5 year old PC is very impressive. The developers are old school programmers who know how to code efficiently and squeeze FPS. (I am qualified to judge being a retired software engineer.) If you had tried GTOS, the game is now better documented, better UI, and generally clearer for the English speaking community. (GTOS was much more approachable if you read Russian.) So, if you want to get down to the ground level and find out what is going on your HEXs. I would recommend this title ... it compliments WITE-2 very nicely. PS: I also own CMRT, but I think MIUS better captures the feel of what happens when you click on hasty/deliberate attack.