Modded scenarios and Ai? (Full Version)

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ObeseMonkey -> Modded scenarios and Ai? (9/30/2021 11:38:06 AM)

Hi, Just picked this up, and it’s really great so far!

Looking through the forums I saw one or two extra scenarios people had made many years ago. Would these still work with the newest version?
And do you know if any of the AI improvements would translate over? I’m imaging they won’t, but thought I’d ask.


pzgndr -> RE: Modded scenarios and Ai? (9/30/2021 1:11:42 PM)

No guarantees, but the previous mods should continue work as well as they did before. I think players may want to check out the newer scenarios, as they now include separate 'classic EIA' and 'alternate EIH' setups for 1805 and 1812. These have been very tedious to update and I've tried to be as faithful as possible to both EIA and EIH. This effort was mainly to address the #1 complaint of many veteran EIA players that this game had too many EIH features that they did not want. So, now players have a choice. The tricky part for modders is that the \Data\databases .ged files and \Data\tables .tpj files are specific to these updated scenarios and very difficult to modify. I realize some players want to create a 1795 scenario or 1809 scenario or whatever, but frankly I recommend just playing this game as-is for a while and we'll see what we can do down the line. I have some ideas about enhancing the game editor and the PBEM admin menu for v1.24, with an eye towards allowing modders and admins more flexibility.

As for AI, most all improvements are generic and should carry over. Some things like 1805 scenario start and 1812 scenario start have a couple of specific items, and the new Bernadotte rule comes into play August, 1810. Other than that, all generic. There are in fact new difficulty adjustments for AI behavior depending on what level you set the computer opponent to, but these are hard-coded and not editable. We'll have to see what player feedback gives us over the next several months to determine if the AI is too hard, too easy, or just right. So yeah, I also have some ideas about more AI improvements for v1.24, and time will tell what gets implemented.

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: Modded scenarios and Ai? (11/23/2021 1:05:11 PM)

Well. I have done some scenarios (specially de "classic") and some testing ones.
I'm back from some years ago.
I will test them. I'm tryng 1.23, but it seems that the .Ged and .tpj files have the same struct. But i will revise them when i have more time :)

pzgndr -> RE: Modded scenarios and Ai? (11/23/2021 1:51:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: Daniel Amieiro
Well. I have done some scenarios (specially de "classic") and some testing ones.
I'm back from some years ago.
I will test them. I'm tryng 1.23, but it seems that the .Ged and .tpj files have the same struct. But i will revise them when i have more time :)

Welcome back! I've started v1.24.00 with some editor fixes. I'd also like to change some of the defined limits to allow you to do more, but I'm hitting a wall. Some of the changes cause access violation errors and I'm trying to resolve that.

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: Modded scenarios and Ai? (11/23/2021 2:59:08 PM)

Hi Bill!

I saw that this release has with the EIH map two settings:
EIA setting
EIH setting

I could try to do that on these scenarios.
- Kingdom of Italy.
- Kingdom of Swedem.
- Kingdom of Denmark.
- Kingdom of Two Sicilies.

Please, specify if you want these changes, and which countries should form on EIA and EIH.

I think these changes can be done without issues. I would like to do the same with K. of Westphalia and Bavaria (former ones) but these can have issues (C. of Rhine wouldn't work by the engine, but i think you could handle it)

For Two Sicilies, Denmark and Sweden, in older versions, Sicily cannot be a conquered by Naples, norway for denmark and finland for sweden if i enable these on database. If not, when created the kingdom, these remain as conquered by the minor ones until dowed. So i have to put these as independent countries (not a very big issue), perhaps with the add to kingdom facility it can be changed ^_^

As i said, the part of "kingdom creation" was very buggy. I would do tests :). The overlapping kingdoms (C.Rhine vs Westphalia and Bavaria) was not able to handle the old engine. In EIH i simply didn't try, because there were a lot of minors with a lot of overlaps.

For kingdom creation is a limit on database too.

pzgndr -> RE: Modded scenarios and Ai? (11/23/2021 3:29:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Daniel Amieiro
I saw that this release has with the EIH map two settings:
EIA setting
EIH setting

I could try to do that on these scenarios.
- Kingdom of Italy.
- Kingdom of Swedem.
- Kingdom of Denmark.
- Kingdom of Two Sicilies.

Please, specify if you want these changes, and which countries should form on EIA and EIH.

To be clear, it is the same map. The .ged and .tpj files are different for Classic EIA and Alternate EIH, particularly for OOBs, morales, political influence, etc.

You are certainly welcome to work on your mods of the standard scenarios, and see how they do. I might recommend you wait until I finish v1.24.00 and post that, hopefully in the next couple of weeks, and you can see what's cleaned up in the editor. You will probably have your custom .ged and .tpj files for your mod(s) and those are large (12MB and 6MB). You could get those to me via Dropbox or something and I can see what I can do with the "Kingdom Creation" code to work with your mod. And then we could polish it up for a future v1.24.xx release next year.

If you would like to clean up your database editor to make it more user-friendly, that would be a nice addition for the community. I've used your various .csv files a lot over the past few years, but it's still not the same as reading-editing-saving the data directly. And until I have a better grasp on the data editing and making changes to the code limits for MAXUNITS, MAXCOUNTRIES, etc., I'm very reluctant to making those kinds of changes that cause problems.

pzgndr -> RE: Modded scenarios and Ai? (11/26/2021 3:38:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: pzgndr
I'd also like to change some of the defined limits to allow you to do more, but I'm hitting a wall. Some of the changes cause access violation errors and I'm trying to resolve that.

Apparently, a dream I had in C++ last night came up with a solution that worked. I scare myself sometimes. The v1.24.00 build that I'm working on compiled and ran ok with the following updates:


- STD DEFINES changed for larger mods (MAXAREAS 900, MAXPROVINCES 200, MAXCOUNTRIES 150, MAXTURNS 180, MAXUNITS 1000) - resolved.

These don't seem to affect game saves, as I have one bug report related to reaching the old MAXUNITS limit and it's still present when running in the new build. Further playtesting will be needed to ensure these new limits work in new games without causing new problems.

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