YorStein -> RE: Yor Steins Soviet HvH 1941 (10/14/2021 10:13:23 AM)
My Plan is to throw all reserves in the Area around Army Group Yellow/Red ,This should Blunt the German Advance on Moskau and Leningrad. At the Same time i am not defending the South at all, there are 60k in Odessa and 200k around Kiev, everything else is empty. Simply because if the German Army chooses to march all the way to Stalino or Stalingrad in 1941 he will break his logistics and even a Limited winter Counter attack in 1941 would crush him, at the same time the front there becomes longer and longer , forcing him to spread thin. Best Case Scenario is that i can stop him at Smolenksk and Pskov until the Mud hits. Then Amass Enough Forces for a Counter Attack in Nov 1941 to blunt his plans and hit him again with the Major Offensive in Dez-Feb 41/42. The Counter attack i posted was the First Limited attempt. Taking out 80 Panzers in a Turn is a neat way of destorying his Armored Groups.