Uxbridge -> RE: Strange defensive modifier (11/2/2021 8:18:14 AM)
I did, and it wasn't +0. Here's an example from the vanilla 1939 scenario. I had the Tripoli garrison somewhat unwisely attack the French unit in the Gabon fort–the hex in your example above. Since the modifier for the hex is 66%, in my world the text should also show that, not x1,00. Looking at the basic values for attacker and defender above (0,1 and x3,68), it seems that the fort modifier is duly taken into account, which is also apparent from the outcome of the attack. But as I see it, the information regarding the fort modifier doesn't come through to the report. [image]local://upfiles/10890/D53CD6FE25FC4A35865A26E4AFD6252D.jpg[/image]