Eggstor -> RE: Error: game slows to a crawl (10/22/2021 7:30:28 PM)
It depends on what you mean by "intact". If you simply want to restart the campaign and don't want to wait for the next update, open up the scenario file ("The Bedford Incident.scen", in the "Red Tide" folder) in the editor, switch to the biological side, find the fish school Geoffropi highlighted, delete it, and save the scenario (use "save", not "save as"). This, just like an update auto-loaded via Matrix/Steam, works only on new campaigns (or for scenarios past the first one, a pass-through from the previous scenario). If, however, you don't want to restart the campaign, you'll have to load the save file ("[a long alphanumeric name].save" in the "Red Tide" folder; you'll have to match up the date-modified timestamp in File Explorer with the timestamp in the "resume from save" tab off the "campaigns" button to get the right save) in the editor, delete the offending fish school the same way as described above, and save the save (again, use "save" instead of "save as"). You'll be able to resume the campaign at the timepoint of the save instead of at the beginning. A tip if something like this happens further along in the campaign -- at the point where you reach the pass-through score in the previous campaign, save before hitting "continue campaign". That way, a scenario update won't force you to restart from the beginning (either THE beginning or the beginning of the previous scenario), but merely from the end of the previous scenario. Edit - I'm not seeing that contact at the coordinates Geoffropi gave, though it could be because that screenshot was taken well into gameplay time and I'm looking at scenario start. Also, as one of the updates in "beta" build 1147.34 is pathfinding tweaks, perhaps it is no longer necessary to track down and delete that particular biological. I had noticed the slowdown in .33, though I chalked it up at the time to having multiple programs open. I had the same programs open while running the scenario in .34, and didn't notice any slowdown.