Scenario issue saves (Full Version)

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1nutworld -> Scenario issue saves (10/23/2021 6:42:40 PM)

I'm having some strange activity towards the end of Red Tide Mission #1, and I have attempted to attach "save files" as I have done multiple saves over a span of a couple minutes during campaign game play.

The site isn't letting me attach the files as "saves" nor is it letting me attach a file as a 7*zip file.

Curious what I am supposed to do, as this seems to be quite a strange set of circumstances as I describe in a reply on a feedback post in Red Tide on the game "board".

Kushan04 -> RE: Scenario issue saves (10/23/2021 7:03:50 PM)

Forum software only supports images or .zip file types. Trying to attach the save itself or a 7zip file won't work.

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