Elessar2 -> Editor request, have sub Retreat setting apply to sub dive range (10/31/2021 5:32:13 PM)
I have run into an issue in my scenario where a convoy lane in a tightly bound area is very difficult to raid, because every enemy ASW unit within range will swarm it. Diving doesn't do much good since the max range seems to be 3, and the enemy easily re-finds the sub and hits it again, and again. Even on its turn it typically has no place to run to on its turn, submerged or not, and is just found and massacred again on the next opponent turn. In the Atlantic this isn't much of an issue (tho it can be) since there is a lot more places to hide, lurk, and raid. The editor has Retreat ranges for all units in the Combat Data tab. I went in hoping I could reset the sub dive range to something larger (say 10 their normal submerged speed), but the default is zero, since the code obviously doesn't consider a diving sub to be "retreating" per se. Could you please re-code it so that a sub's retreat range is its diving range when an opponent makes it dive? [Assuming this doesn't break anything] Default scenarios can simply have the editor default setting changed to the 3 that is apparently hard-coded.