GC 1941 no early end - Looking for German opponent (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Gary Grigsby's War in the East 2 >> Opponents Wanted


quantas -> GC 1941 no early end - Looking for German opponent (10/31/2021 7:27:16 PM)

I've played WitE1 since the launch. Started with WitE2 in march and had three GC campaigns until now.

I‘m looking for an experienced opponent to play the whole war.....till the bitter end.

1-2 turns per week possible

No using Soviet Airborne Regiments to circumvent Guards limit.
Enhanced TB control off
Full Fog of War
Full Movement FOW

quantas -> RE: GC 1941 no early end - Looking for German opponent (11/5/2021 3:28:00 PM)

Still open[:)]

quantas -> RE: GC 1941 no early end - Looking for German opponent -closed (11/9/2021 4:16:31 PM)


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