Rosencrantus -> GS Escorts (11/17/2021 9:34:29 AM)
This is in my StB game against Tyronec. Despite one of the previous patches mentioning that the ground support escort system is working properly, I still can't shake my head off of it and still believe that it hasn't been properly fixed now that the weather has improved and I am actually running GS missions again. In the picture you can see that the only fighter aircraft sent to this GS mission was from JG 3, not JG 51 or 4 which are significantly closer to the hex where fighting took place and are the actual AOGs that were assigned to the air directive. Not only that the air combat tab mentions that they are also only on "patrol" instead of "escort" which was how it was before this bug was declared fixed. In fact, so few fighter escorts are sent that in a few battles my tactical bombers given FW 190s are getting more kills than the actual fighters sent to the hex... [image]local://upfiles/76389/D37303E484554C0A88273D5EC25EC2F3.jpg[/image]