Vic -> RE: Editors - help and quick questions (11/19/2021 9:59:34 AM)
QUESTION 1: ----------- "AddRemainSnow" vs. "AddSnow" in "Initial Hex Conditions" table - whats the difference? If snow on the hex it will be coloured white. If no snow, but remainSnow it will be coloured partially mud/partially snow. quote:
QUESTION 2: ----------- Is it possible to remove really 100% of one unit type (f.e. Tiger tanks) by using the Scramble Table? 100% Change% setting does not remove every tank and there are some left. I think so, please just give it a try to see what happens. quote:
QUESTION 3: ----------- In "vr_ai_lib" what means "frontLength" and "frontDepth"? The AI cuts the frontline in smaller pieces. About 10 hexes of front length , with a depth of 4. Each piece of front is executed seperately. It seems the ideal chunck, however I might be wrong so I allow people to change these chunks. If you turn on AI debugging you can find a screenshot of the Ai front chunks in the logs/ directory. quote:
QUESTION 5: ----------- When it is the AI turn, game stops and AI calculation did not go further. So I have to exit and load the save game nearly every round. Sometimes when not moving my troops, the AI turn will be executed. Can you tell me where the problem is? Maybe I forgot to set basic parameters or set them wrong? You'll need to send me a savefile to to check that out. Please link to this thread. quote:
QUESTION 6: ----------- Historic weather overrule - I did not know how this exactly works. I set a weather type and temperature type for every round and a IF-statement too. But how does random weather kick in here? Do you have an example with a description how to do? The vanilla scenarios should serve as good examples. You can ignore the IF condition if you are not using scenario variants. Basically the weather is random by default, but if a historic weather overrule row exists that weather setting is used instead. best, Vic