loki100 -> RE: Air base command (11/21/2021 7:16:05 AM)
no, on release there was a hit on repairs etc but that got removed. the only reason to keep a 1-1 relationship is it makes things a bit easier when you are doing large scale redeployments. This tends to happen with the tac air commands as the front in France moves and its easier if you click on an airbase that notionally belongs to say 9 US Air and it highlights all the airbases that belong (& that is where you have 9 US air deployed). In effect, if you have a busy sector, I personally would try to keep 1:1 relationships, on a quieter sector doesn't really matter. Same with the Strat Air in the UK, even late war the only things worth moving to the Continent are the British Halifaxes, everything else can carry on bombing from the UK