Allied Corps Montgomery Difficulty Playthrough By Seasoned Veteran (Full Version)

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TheFjordFox -> Allied Corps Montgomery Difficulty Playthrough By Seasoned Veteran (11/23/2021 4:57:25 AM)

The title pretty much says it all!

I've played several thousand hours of this game and it's DLCs, completing the campaigns several times over. I've also got decades of experience with this game, if you count the game of which it is a spiritual successor - Panzer General!

So now, I'm taking the campaigns on at Rommel/Montgomery/Zhukov difficulties, all of them over time, starting with Allied Corps!

A list of the episodes will follow below!
I'll updated this list with new episodes when I get a batch of them out - but you could always "tune in" to my youtube channel to be notified more immediately when new ones are out. I'll try to be productive, and get through it in quick succession!

Episode 1 - Border Raid
Episode 2 - Fort Capuzzo
Episode 3 - Battle of Girba
Episode 4 - Italian Offensive
Episode 5 - Taranto Raid
Episode 6 - Sidi Barrani
Episode 7 - Bardia
Episode 8 - Beda Fomm
Episode 9 - Crete
Episode 10 - Crusader
Episode 11 - Cauldron

Hope you'll find them entertaining!

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