BillRunacre -> RE: China not receiving lend lease. (11/24/2021 8:49:38 AM)
Hi I'm just looking at the scripts and if the US said YES to DE 305 to send supplies via the Burma Road, then China should receive 60 MPPs a turn providing the following conditions apply: ; Haiphong Port is in Axis hands #ALIGNMENT_POSITION= 185,69 [1] ; Kunming is in Allied hands #ALIGNMENT_POSITION= 180,65 [2] ; Rangoon is in Allied hands #ALIGNMENT_POSITION= 174,74 [2] ; Mandalay is in Allied hands #ALIGNMENT_POSITION= 174,70 [2] ; Lashio is in Allied hands #ALIGNMENT_POSITION= 177,67 [2] Please can you check the status of these locations and advise if any aren't being satisfied, i.e. are held by the other side? If so, the Decision to fly supplies over the Hump should be presented, however, that decision is contingent on Burma having surrendered, i.e. Rangoon having fallen, and from your description I don't think it has?