mdsmall -> RE: MP match Tanaka vs Balthazor on YT announcement (12/2/2021 6:06:24 AM)
Well, I think the underlying game is still tilted towards the Central Powers (and I was playing the CP in that hard-fought match). The Balkan Variations was originally intended to fix a few things in terms of Serbian and Russian initial deployment , which were subsequently corrected by the devs in the 1.05 update. It also gave the Entente a new DE option to intervene through Greece to save Serbia, in the event that Serbia looked like it would fall in 1914. In our game, given that Germany concentrated on capturing Poland in 1914, France was able to substantially reinforce Serbia through Albania by late 1914 and Austria-Hungary had to fight a long grinding battle to conquer Serbia, even with a relatively early entry of Bulgaria on the CP side. I don't even remember if the Entente player (Old Crow) opted to pay General Venizelos to stage an early coup in Greece once the trigger conditions were met for the new DE. Old Crow - help out my failing memory here! For reasons explained earlier in this Forum, I favour using a house rule to restrict selling tech chits by either side on turn one. In return, in the Balkan Variations, Germany, A-H, France and Russia all get some MPPs at the start to spend on operational moves. Thus, I was able to open with a relatively strong German attack in Poland and a reasonable A-H defence in Galicia without selling off all the tech hardware on the first move. If I had one small piece of advice, it would be: don't sell that chit that Germany starts with on Airship Tech. By 1915, you will value that capability much more than the 20 MPPs you will earn by selling it, however anxious you might be early in the war to operationally move one more corps. Looking forward to seeing your opening on December 8th!