Jagger2002 -> RE: German night turns? (12/5/2021 3:19:33 PM)
The big advantage of resting at night is the recovery bonus to vigor. Vigor determines a unit's maximum readiness. Readiness cannot be any higher than vigor. Readiness is a very important combat factor. Moving, attacking and suffering combat casualties reduce vigor. Vigor goes up by 15 points a turn if a unit does not move or attack or offensively bombard/fire at the enemy. If a unit is non-moving and defensive and suffers casualties, vigor will still go up but at a slower rate than 15 points a turn. At night, there is a 50% bonus to recover vigor. Independent of nighttime, there is also a 50% bonus if a unit is outside of enemy Zones of Control. So at night, a unit can potentially increase vigor by 22.5 points by remaining stationary. If also out of enemy ZOC, 30-33 vigor points can be recovered dependent on how those bonuses are calculated. All that assumes you are stationary and the enemy leaves you alone. During daytime, within enemy ZOC, you can only increase by 15 pts and 22.5 pts if outside enemy ZOC. Outside of night consideration, apparently the lower your vigor, the slower the recovery. No specifics on it but it sounds like if vigor is below 50, the vigor recovery rate starts dropping from the standard 15 point recovery. Basically at night, it is best not to move units with low vigor. Whether you move units at night is heavily dependent on what sort of vigor is necessary for the unit to perform the mission you have planned for the unit in the morning.