mainsworthy -> RE: Make a game (12/18/2021 5:01:47 PM)
well your right games are getting easier to create, BUT only certain games, every branch in logic has to have atrigger and a reaction, wargames have many branches with thousands of chits and prperties altering the branching, a simple game moving an object is not the same as a chit in a wargame. if a frogger got hit by a car kill it, that involved say 30 vehicles moving and a check in front of every vehicle if a frog is there, this is arcade stuff. a wargame has strength not just alive or dead, it have movement allowance and each hex it moves has different costs, and attacking and what can it attack, what can fire back, how many times can it fire, is the enemy able to fight back because its pinned or broken. is a leader close enough to influence the unit. where are the victory locations, elevation can a unit fire over a hill, can it see a unit. this all happens for every chit, then you can have multiple chits in one hex, with different weapons chits attached.Then there is the map, a normal game its just a backdrop with maybe a couple of trigger points, a wargame has the map cutup into many hundreds of locations. each trigger is a complex formula, and this is not even talking about the A.I. believe me a wargame is far away from what the engines can produce, they only do things like have a sprite move fire die, they dont really have databases tyo index for info like terain cost and that sort of thing. if an engine exists for a wargame it only produces games close to the main engine like a sceanrio in Operational art of war. wargame engines have to be done from scratch in a programing language for A.I. if nothing else. The A.I. in a wargame dosnt flow like english, you have to hard code every question with IF THEN ELSE LOOP , and do Maths on many things , a wargame is full of formulas you have to create for each action, The A.I. needs to go from one point to another but how does it pathfind, not a straight line, but on roads and avoiding rivers, and avoiding artilary etc... The A.I. has to decide what chits to attack, HOW? you have to do math and add up all close by chits whats the best target. its way way more complicated than you think. but if you find one let me know :) Now what would interest me is creating an A.I. that reads vassal turns it outputs in text, then do some math and creating a text file return turn, so you could create an A.I. for all the old boardgames. I have done something simular in the past with chess engines, but this would be a real worthwhile project, but decoding the text files would need insider info etc... and its such a job i would not do something like this as a hobby, i would need to be paid, but this would be earth shattering project Happy Xmas