Can only generate Shadow Diplomats (Full Version)

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willgamer -> Can only generate Shadow Diplomats (12/14/2021 4:36:03 PM)

Around turn 200. Three majors left that are all friendly. Need to generate stratagem cards to reduce relationships.

However, even with 60% of the budget into Foreign Affairs Council (all Major), only (lots of) Shadow Diplomats are ever generated.

Basically, game over since the penalties to attack friendly majors is so high.

Any ideas?

zgrssd -> RE: Can only generate Shadow Diplomats (12/14/2021 5:20:33 PM)

Shadow Diplomat is in the Secret Services council.

It is possible you have the maximum Cards/types of Cards. Have you tried scrapping some? Avoid the ones from Diplomatic Council, as the Card weight and Price is changed by having many isntances of a card cards.

Also consider that Values over 100 in any task suffers from diminishing returns.

willgamer -> RE: Can only generate Shadow Diplomats (12/14/2021 5:59:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: zgrssd

Shadow Diplomat is in the Secret Services council.

It is possible you have the maximum Cards/types of Cards. Have you tried scrapping some? Avoid the ones from Diplomatic Council, as the Card weight and Price is changed by having many isntances of a card cards.

Also consider that Values over 100 in any task suffers from diminishing returns.

Odd, under 5.7.3 Foreign Affairs Council (p. 244), is where I see Shadow Diplomat.

I have no major or minor stratagem cards.

There is no Diplomatic Council... did you mean Foreign Affairs?

Yes, I can see diminished values, but still generating over 1000 pts. to work with.

Still puzzled...

willgamer -> RE: Can only generate Shadow Diplomats (12/14/2021 6:39:35 PM)

Here's a screenshot.


willgamer -> RE: Can only generate Shadow Diplomats (12/14/2021 6:42:52 PM)

Looks like section 5.7.1 Supreme Command Council Stratagems is in error, on p. 243, indicating that the dedicated council for Shadow Diplomat is Secret Service Council.

zgrssd -> RE: Can only generate Shadow Diplomats (12/14/2021 7:55:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: willgamer

Here's a screenshot.


That does indeed look like a bug. The list is way to short.

KingHalford -> RE: Can only generate Shadow Diplomats (12/16/2021 3:02:13 PM)

That doesn't look right at all, I'd email it to Vic as a bug report.

zgrssd -> RE: Can only generate Shadow Diplomats (12/16/2021 3:39:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: KingHalford

That doesn't look right at all, I'd email it to Vic as a bug report.

He already did a bug report and it is propably fixed in 1.10.05.

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