Tempest5 -> RE: Dropped the Opacity by 50% on arrows (12/18/2021 7:28:59 PM)
Still nothing from the moderator on posting my lighter arrow mod.[&:] I have used other peoples mods for flags and trucks for DC:B. The orange 'blobs used for artillery I used an icon in game and colored it red to replace it. The airstrike, trucks and artillery icons look like placeholders to me. Just ugly. So the ones in squares in attached picture are NOT MY MODS-I just copied and pasted and resized the pngs into this game. Just did truck emblem to signify congestion but will change my other trucks. Again these truck emblems mods are from DC:B. The trucks I made smaller to. I thought they were too big in original size. Swastika is also from someone else. Copy-paste, resize, save as 32-bit. Artillery icon (yellow arrow)I used from in game and changed it's size and color. Might do same thing for Air Attack icon. Have a look.