SteveMcClaire -> RE: Unable to play the game (1/3/2022 3:54:58 PM)
There could be an issue with the game trying to play the intro videos. To check this, you can hold down the CTRL key as you click the 'PLAY' button and while the game is starting. This should show you the game options dialog box without starting the full game. You can disable the videos in the 'Media Options' section under general options and then click 'Ok' to start the game. Due to changes in Microsoft Windows 10 it is no longer possible to run 16-bit color games in DirectX full screen mode. You can change the game options to get something similar however -- set 'Screen Resolution' to be the same as your desktop display resolution, make sure 'Framed Window' is off, and then set 'Scale Front End' on. This will cause the game to take up your whole screen and scale the game front-end UI to match.