mainsworthy -> just making a WitPAE type game (12/24/2021 6:11:19 PM)
[image][/image] [image][/image] first official download provided free for windows. [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] Battles In the Pacific I doing a wargame, like WitP, its already looking good, i can be confident, i will have it done. still in dev, but all the componants are fitting togetheer, have a look at some of the screenshots, still got a few jobs to do like tidy the map generator up. the graphics are just place holders untill i get the code right. I have just finished naval detection and a very complex supply mechanic for the entire map. the map is made by my random map generator, i have to fix it yet, still early days but I can see a WitPAE game forming, i know it may not seem it with the screenshots but its early dev. [image][/image] just added objectives for A.I. controled ships, you can have some of your own ships under A.I. control too, . my next task is auto convoys