SteveMcClaire -> RE: Error on my serial number (12/31/2021 12:28:27 AM)
No, you should be able to install to another partition without a problem. It sounds like you may have something incorrect in your Windows registry (perhaps from an old install or a mod installer) that is causing the game look in the wrong place. You could try uninstalling the game and re-installing, or you could use RegEdit to try and fix this manually. In regedit you'll be looking for "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Matrix Games\Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem" or "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Matrix Games\Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem" (make sure there's only one or the other) and that the 'Installed to' key shows the correct place where the game is installed. Steve