Alpha77 -> RE: Doolittle Raid? (1/16/2022 4:03:59 PM)
Ranger Joe reported correctly that is is said (in reports) that B25s also strafed . I wonder with what, cause (Wiki) Removal of the lower gun turret. Installation of de-icers and anti-icers. Mounting of steel blast plates on the fuselage around the upper turret. Removal of the liaison radio set to save weight. Installation of a 160-gallon collapsible neoprene auxiliary fuel tank, fixed to the top of the bomb bay, and installation of support mounts for additional fuel cells in the bomb bay, crawlway, and lower turret area, to increase fuel capacity from 646 to 1,141 U.S. gallons (538 to 950 imperial gallons, or 2,445 to 4,319 L). Installation of mock gun barrels in the tail cone. Replacement of the Norden bombsight with a makeshift aiming sight devised by pilot Capt. C. Ross Greening that was dubbed the "Mark Twain". The materials for this bombsight cost only 20 cents.[17] And pics show they have no forward gun also... Also this "Mark Twain" bombsight seems to exactly what Twain wrote ...[:D]