Chris21wen -> RE: Artillery firepower (1/7/2022 7:11:16 AM)
From the unofficial manual. Unlike most games firepower does not determine the reult of combat, it's CV instead. It's complicated but I'll try and simplify it. Firepower is used to reduce the ability of units to generate CV through disruption, damaged or destruction of the units elements. Combat value (CV) is derived from a preset weight placed on the each functioning element and can be found in 26.1.4 with all artillery units being weighted at 1. There are three CVs used in the game. That viewed on the counter and is a guide to strength. An initial CV when a units enters combat and a modified CV after firepower has taken it's toll. It is the ratios of the final modified CVs that determines the outcome of the combat. The only affect on the attacker is reduction of CV. For the defender it can be a reduced CV, retreat, rout or shattering depending on the ratio of attacker/defender CVs at the end of the combat. If you read unofficial manual and search for firepower and CV you'll find more detail.